
Responses from sdcampbell

What should be on my short list...
If you are considering solid state CD players, then you should audition the Ayre CD player. Very smooth and musical, nearly tube-like in its presentation. And it will cost you about 65% less than $10K. If you want to go for state-of-the-art, look ... 
Pondering a pair of Klipsch La Scalas
Rives comments about the Klipsch's dynamics are almost an understatment. In the early 1990's, when I was in Japan teaching graduate courses at U.S. military bases, I worked part-time selling audio gear for the base exchange system. Among the brand... 
Where can I get Aluminum cones?
You might consider the VPI aluminum cones that are used on the Scout/Scoutmaster/Aries turntables. They are just over 1.5" tall, and are threaded. They can be purchased direct from VPI, or from online stores such as Elusive Disk (click on followin... 
FWIW, Harry Pearson recently chose the Super Scoutmaster for a "Golden Ear" award, and commented that its performance was very close to the VPI TNT-HRX (at half the price). 
JWM10 with TNT Cartridge help PLEASE
You have gotten an excellent front end, one good enough to merit a top cartridge. Two cartridges that should be on your "short list" are the Grado Signature and the Shelter 901. 
Best Amps or Integrated on measured performance
Well, I suppose there are many brands of amps, etc., that measure well on the test bench. One that comes immediately to mind is Bryston, whose products typically measure VERY well, and have excellent sound. 
Spyder 2 Pro monitor calibration kit ?
Like "Glider" above, I use the Spyder2 calibration system on my LCD and CRT monitors, and have been very pleased with the improvement in color accuracy. I take photos of small items (such as jewelry and art glass) for posting on the Internet, and ... 
20 Best Naxos Releases
About four years ago, I posted a list of Naxos "Top 47" recordings, as determined by reviews and ratings in various classical music magazines and articles. Here is the link to that post in the A-gon archives: 
Vandersteen Upgrade Path
You could probably find a used pair of the Vandy 3A's (not the Signature model) that is within your budget. Last year, I bought my son a "low mileage" used pair of 3A's AND a VCC-1 center channel for $1500 for everything. If you post a "want to bu... 
A trick with Scotch Whisky
You guys better not let anyone at the Scotch Malt Whisky Society ( hear about these ideas for "improving" the "whisky of life". They have a squad of "highland enforcers" to prevent the sort of desecration mentioned here... 
XLR or Rca's for Bryston 4B ST/BP 25 Pre
If you decide to go with balanced cables, and want to do it for a moderate price, then try Bryston's own XLR cables. They are very good, and at $125 for a pair, they are also a good value. It's unlikely that you will be able to tell the difference... 
Weak point in this analog system ?
You may get different responses from other members, but if you want to upgrade your analog front end, I'd start by replacing your turntable. There are some excellent tables these days in the $1500-2500 range. 
Lehmann Black Cube Se with the VPI Scoutmaster
Sorry to take so long answering your post, but the past three weeks have personally rather difficult. When I replaced my Black Cube SE, I bought a Bryston BP-1.5 phono preamp, and to say that it was major improvement is an understatement. Of cours... 
Link Wray died
Pat Malone, aka "Lugnut", who passed away 2 weeks or so ago, was a huge Link Wray fan. As one of my gifts to him, I sent him a double LP of Wray's old hits, and he said that he really enjoyed the old tunes again. Maybe Pat is listening to Link "li... 
Hall of Fame: BIGGEST BADDEST Monster Amps
You've already got a pretty good list above, but you might also want to consider the McCormack DNA-500.