
Responses from salectric

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring, how would you describe the Jupiters compared to the JB JFX? I know you felt the JFX was a decent alternative to the CAST caps a few months ago. Since my reactions to the JFX were not as positive, I am trying to get some context for you... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring, do the Jupiters have more high frequency refinement and air than the Duelund CAST? To my ears that is the one area where the CAST fall short. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Volleyguy, did you mean to say the tweeter inductor is in series with the tweeter? That would be odd since the choke will roll off the highs. The tweeter choke should be in a shunt position, i.e. after a series capacitor and in parallel with the t... 
Damned brands or not good electronics?
Bobheinatz, I sent you a message through Agon message system. Not sure if it went through. I would like to get more information on your Emotive amps. I also have a pair of Emotive monoblocks and am very happy with them. 
Of all your gear, what piece impresses you most?
My speakers which are a one-of-a-kind 2-way using a 15" paper cone woofer designed in the 1940's, an aluminum horn also designed in the same era, and an Altec compression driver from the 1970's. Any combination of these drivers would probably soun... 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
What a beautiful table! Anything that looks that nice has to sound great! I am sure you will enjoy it for a long time. 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
Great story! I always enjoy reading about digital fans discovering vinyl. I am not clear on just what Artisan Fidelity did though. Did they build a new plinth for the SP10 or something more? 
Mo' money. Mo' problems.
Wow, the 7 Tips by zd542 are right on the money! These should be posted somewhere as a "sticky" and re-read often. I especially agree with the linestage tip. The linestage is the single most important component and often the most difficult to get ... 
Best EL34 reissue?
Another vote for Genalex reissue KT-77's which can be substituted for EL34's. The KT-77's sound the best of any modern EL34 type to my ears at least, and they are very rugged and relatively cheap. I also second the recommendation of Jim McShane. H... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring, I haven't experimented with Wimas. Back in the days when I had ARC preamps I listened to Wimas because they were used extensively in the ARC power supplies, but I wouldn't draw any conclusions from that----too many other variables.On y... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Regismc, very interesting! Have you tried the s/g/o plus CuTF combination as a coupler as opposed to power conditioner? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring, I have used Mundorf Supreme (regular version, not the Silver, Silver/Oil or Silver/Gold/Oil) in my speaker crossovers for several years. I find it to be a very nice sounding musical cap but with some fairly obvious tonal colorations. I... 
Can a tiny silver bowl affect music reproduction
Thank you Tbg. Your reviews of the Zilplex are why I am presently leaning in that direction. I just wanted to make sure there weren't any tonal irregularities being introduced. 
Can a tiny silver bowl affect music reproduction
Tbg, When the bowls are placed at the optimum places, do you notice any change in tonal balance? For instance, is there any brightening or accentuation of the treble? Or possibly some leaning out of the bass?I have started experimenting with some ... 
Can a tiny silver bowl affect music reproduction
Tbg, does Zilplex have any US dealers?