
Responses from s7horton

New speaker with imaging
If you like the B&W sound you have now, by all means, stick with that line. As suggested above, the 803D would be a substantially improvement over what you have now. And at 8K with a discount, you'll be doing alot better than your budget of 10... 
leave solid state power amps on?
Check the archives, this topic has been covered many, many times. The general consensus is that you should leave it on 24/7, except durning a thunderstorm. 
Von Schweikert synergy
Hifidreams, have you tried any other amplifiers with the VR-1, or did it just happen to match when you put the two together? I am using Musical Fidelity, but am wondering if I'm missing out on another great combination. 
How to improve XM Radio audio quality?
If you are looking for improved quality, and don't necessarily need XM, Sirius is provided over DSS and is considerably better in quality. I'm not sure if the reciever is better in the DSS boxes, or if the satellite can recieve the signal better. ... 
Loose Veneer, best Fix?
I would try to contact the manufacturer and see what they used to begin with. If you can't get an answer that way, then I would probably try contact cement, but it will be tough without having the entire piece of veneer taken off. 
Many speakers - Solution to a constant upgrading
So then the question becomes, is it cheaper to own multiple sets at once, or to keep upgrading. The answer is dependent on where you are financially with your speakers. I would think that the higher up you go in the chain, the harder it would be t... 
Pls advise on budget integrated or pre/power comb.
I think you'll be happy with the audio refinement/ YBA sound. They seem to mate well with JM labs speakers. I don't know how much you want to spend, but the other option would be to look at Parasound Halo amp and pre amp. You should be able to fin... 
Which is better Dynaudio 1.3 Se or Revel M-20
If it was my money, this would be a no brainer. I've owned the M20's twice. The first time I bought them because I heard them paired with a levinson 383. They are sister companies and have awesome syngery together. I thought you sold the 383 to ke... 
Looking for quality CD changer
Anthem makes a 7 disc elevator style changer that is worth looking into. Usually used around 650-750 dollars. 
Monitor Audio: audiophile quality?????
I agree with McFarve4, the S1 is an incredible speaker. If I was looking for one in that price range, that is the one I would choose. When paired with my audio refinement, I was very happy with the sound. 
The worlds ultimate toy
415 feet? Now I get your comment from earlier. I'm pretty sure that won't do 65 mph though.. 
The worlds ultimate toy
Ellery, the 118 is in feet. Capable of 65 miles per hour. Yours for a cool 24.2 million dollars. Fully customizable, of course. 
Subwoofer with 2 channel stereo setup
Depends on the system and the sub. I never heard of anyone having a really easy time trying to integrate a subwoofer with the existing system. Just always seems to be very challenging.The best advice, I think, is to demo it, if you can, in your ro... 
The worlds ultimate toy
Looks pretty nice. I wonder if he is off the upgrade path or if the Wally Power 118 is calling his name!! 
any thoughts on speakers to match a Rotel amp?
Are you thinking monitor or floorstanding? B&W matches well with Rotel. They bought out Rotel, that may have something to do with it..