
Responses from s7horton

Sound anchor stands for B&W Nautilus 801's?
I know that sound anchors made a difference with 803's and signature 805's. I'd have to imagine they would do the same for the big 801's.. 
DVD line level question?
Some hard core enthusiasts actually recommend running the volume on the pre amp up as far as possible, as it allows you to hear the true sonics of the pre amp. So.. if you had gains on the amp, they would recommend turning the volume on the pre am... 
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???
You'll find that with any high end component. If there are quite a few bought in the beginning from the dealer, it will always flood the market. It has nothing to do with the DK itself. 
Of the B&W Signature 805 and the new 804S
Joyjoycn, you may not talk about the finish, but I do. I'm not going to spend that kind of money and not have a decent finsh. Reviewers can say what they want, I've had both in my room. I know which I prefered. 
Of the B&W Signature 805 and the new 804S
I've had both in my room. The signatures I owned twice, and the 804S's I had in my room for about two weeks. Your pre and power amp is suitable for both speakers. It really depends on what kind of sound you like. The bass from the 804S is pretty i... 
What's Next?
I would try to listen to some JM labs if I were you. Before you do that, though, have a listen to the new B&W line. I think you'll find that the 803 Diamond is quite a bit better than your current speakers. 
Audio Physic with Solid State Amp
Musical fidelity sounds really good with Audio Physics. As someone else mentioned, AP's are fairly inefficient. I've heard the virgos sound great with tubed gear, but have also heard them sound great with solid state gear. 
Magnepan 1.6 and 3.6 replacements?
Maybe, but I doubt they will just because they are still selling like crazy, the value on the used market is still quite high as well. 
Levinson 383 a good match for B&W 803D's
Eldarado is exactly right. Classe is owned by B&W and does, usually, have great synergy with B&W. You may want to try their new integrated, but again, may be a little light on power, unless you listen at quite low volumes regularly. 
Levinson 383 a good match for B&W 803D's
My friend had the 383 with Nautilus 803's. It was alright, but so much better once he added the Jeff Rowland Concentra II integrated. I'm pretty sure you'll want more than 100 wpc for the 803D's. The KW 500 from Musical Fidelity does a great job a... 
Why Energize the Whole Room/Virtual Reality Audio?
Onhwy61, audiophiles are rarely interested in new technologies to own themselves. They may show interest in reading about it or having it demonstrated. How many audiophiles own SACD's? A fair amount, but I guarantee the number that can play only r... 
Why Energize the Whole Room/Virtual Reality Audio?
Seems like an okay idea for ultimate playback of music, but then you would be trying to introduce something new into the audiophile world, we all know how well that goes over. On top of that, you're taking away one part on an audiophile's system. ... 
what made you get into high end gear.
I simply stumbled across a high end stereo shop after drooling over equipment at Best Buy and Circuit City (about 10 years ago). I couldn't believe that there was stuff out there so impressive. I was hooked. The dealer I stumbled upon had a trade ... 
Reducing room TEMP. when using tube equipment.
Talk about the ultimate listening room. Outside. Of course, you're kind of screwed if it rains. Does away with side wall reflections, however. 
Why is it so much more civil over here on Agon?
I do see a few situations arise like that one on audiogon, but never to that extreme. It's not about being a newbie. Some people believe strongly that if you aren't sending a load through the tube amp, you shouldn't leave it on. That's not exaclty...