
Responses from s7horton

REGA, Still in Business?
With all the news surrounding the Apollo introduction, I highly doubt they are going anywhere. 
Focal or Blaupunkt
Instead of asking which one is better, seems like it'd be a better idea to listen to both and see which you prefer since you are the one that has to live with them. 
help integrating a musical sub for minimonitors
I'm not sure I follow what you mean on how the connection will be made. You can always use a "Y" adapter if need be. Cardas makes a nice one. I think the Paradigm ultracube might be just what you are looking for 800 bucks new or so. A little 8" th... 
Paradigm Studio Reference 20 - v.2 versus v.3
I have owned the v1, v2, and v3. They all sound like paradigm. (not sure if that helps) My personal favorite is the v3. I wouldn't make the step back to a v3, even if you haven't owned it yet. Since you have already heard it, if you go with the v2... 
Pathos Classic One int.: So many for sale- Why ?
Douglas, I compared it against the anthem INT 2 hybrid integrated. IMO, those two should be priced around the same. Also, why must we have A/B'd them against another hybrid integrated? The Pathos should be compared against any other integrated in ... 
Top resale value speakers
chuck, look at it this way: 1.6 QR list for 1800, talk the dealer down a little, and you are at 1500 or maybe a hair under. Resale at 1200 dollars - years later. Try that with a car, or most anything listed on audiogon. With the exception of B&... 
Top resale value speakers
Chuck, take a look at the magnepan 1.6 QR if you think that planars ane electorstats don't hold value. 
M-L Summits: Why Bi-Wire?
One for the midbass and one for the tweeters? I'm guessing it's the same reason you can tri-wire some speakers. 
speaker grill material
Don't know if they do anymore, but crutchfield used to offer different color grill cloths. 
When is the best time to buy equipment??
whenever my wallet is fat. 
Audio Refinement Complete owners: please advise
Viridian,Are you using the studio 20 v3? Those are a little more efficient than the v1 or 2. 
Audio Refinement Complete owners: please advise
I've owned the ARC 4 times and have it on the way again for the fifth time. I've loved it with Revel m20's, B&W CDM 1 NT's, and believe it or not, Martin Logan Areius i speakers. I will try it with my current choice, the paradigm studio 20 v3.... 
Apple Boot Camp in public beta today
Designers can now run autoCAD on a mac. That's a sweet option! 
Tube Audio Design TAD-803 Single Driver Speakers
You might want to post this in the review section, it may get more views that way. 
Pathos Classic One int.: So many for sale- Why ?
if you want one, buy it. Does it really matter why they are for sale? Are you looking for an answer like, they suck, or they spontaneously combust? I sold one about two years ago. When I bought mine (the MK II) I paid 1250 for it. It's not worth t...