
Responses from s7horton

Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp
It's all personal preference.I'm going to argue till I'm blue in the face that speakers are the most important. Bar none. Dave Wilson agrees with me. 
A mistake spending too much on amplification?
Everyone has their own opinion. I've found mine to be that speakers matter most. Nothing will change the sound of your system like speakers.Are you tired of your speakers and ready for new ones? 
Any thoughts on Krell
Buy the gear for what it sounds like now and whehter or not you like the looks. Seems to me if you consider it a large investment (I do) then you would want to buy something that would keep you happy for a while. Regardless of what else comes on t... 
Sexiest Pop Song Ever?
Throb - Janet Jacksonoff the "Janet" album 
Mid sized room -Full range vs Monitor
I would consider that room big enough to work with all but the biggest floor standers. I think the more important question is: do you prefer the sound of monitors or the sound of floorstanders. Where do you come in budget wise? That may play a mor... 
Bryston and Paradigm are not relate. Paradigm and Anthem on the other hand are related. 
Looking for options for new music system
You're going to get a ton of responses that differ as this could really be a preference system. If I was given 2k to build a system, I'd go this route:Paradigm Studio 20 v.3 = 600Musical Fidelity x150 integrated = 650Rotel RCD 1072 = 500Music Hall... 
Does anybody know when...
Thanks for the response. Looks like the rumors where just that.. 
How many pair of speakers do you own?
Three pairs and one in the process of being completed.I say music needs to be in every room. 
integrated + sub
Audio refinement has pre outs that can be used for this feature. But, not the main-ins. Do you really need that if you are using a powered sub? 
preamp suggetions for mid lvl system
I've owned the parasound, but not the others. I loved it. Only sold it because there is so much out there to try. If I found a good price on one, I'd probably jump on it again. 
High power rating=better speakers?
>3db is barely noticeable<Not sure I agree with that. 6db is a percieved increase of double. I would say that 3db is noticable. 
Thinking about selling my CD collection = MP3
You are breaking the law when you rip the cd and THEN sell the disc. You can rip it and keep it. It's your music you paid for. But, it's when you rip it and then sell it to someone else that it is illegal.Regarding used cd stores: when I sell a us... 
Thinking about selling my CD collection = MP3
Gretsch, I think you're missing the point. No one has said that MP3 or digital files are not the wave of the futre. They are saying two things:1. Ripping your cd's to computer and then selling the disc is illegal. 2. Hang on to your cd's. When you... 
Best cd player under 1K used
Of the units I've heard, I'll say the Rotel 1072. Awesome player for the price. 700 new. I've heard from others that the Rega Apollo is top notch as well.