
Responses from s7horton

Monitors secure on stands
I agree with everything that has been said thus far. I will not buy speakers that have had anything done to them, especially with holes drilled in them. I think, though, that with the right stand, there is much less chance to topple over. I know t... 
Why so many Gallo 3 or 3.1 for sale on A'goN?
Tvad is absolutely correct. There could be a million reasons that there are so many for sale. These type of threads always confuse me. Not sure what you are tyring to accomplish. 
Monitor Shootout
Thanks for all the comments. I noticed not many have mentioned the Dynaudios. Is that because they are too new and many have not had a chance to audition them? 
Monitor Shootout
Thechair, thanks for your well thought out response. Your comment about B&W is quite interesting to me. I've owned the sig 805, and the 805S. I prefered the sig, but they are very close in comparison. For you to state that the M22, and Paradig... 
Monitor Shootout
Thanks for all the responses. The Linns are not something I had considered, but would like to give them a listen. most of the above I don't have the chance to listen to without driving two hours. One of my good friends had the JM Labs Concord. The... 
B&W Sig. 805 and Merlin TSM
I'm glad that everyone likes the Merlins. I have not had a chance to hear them. However, I can guarantee that the sig 805 is in a totally different league than the CDM 1NT. I've owned both. They are light years apart. TheChair, not sure if you are... 
cd players with volume control
check the archives. You'll find numerous answers there. 
What time do you wear?
If performance is what you are after, why spend 2 grand, there is no need.Your reply to me makes no sense. "if you remember to move your wrist, while wearing an automatic?" Do you have problems with this? Seems to me someone that travels shouldn't... 
B&W 805 models...
"Is the 805S better than or equal to the 805 signature?" Depends on who you ask. I've owned both. Both did things that I liked. My preference, I liked the sig 805 better. The 805S is still a fantastic speaker. Alot of people disagree with me. I th... 
B&W 805 models...
Pescolar, the Signature 805 is no longer current. They do not make any of the models listed except the 805S. Every model has it's own unique set of technology. Fife hit it dead on. 
Best value in integrated amps at a moderate price?
A budget is very important. Without that, we don't know what to recommend. If it's truly power you are after and can fork over 2 grand, the Krell 400xi may be the way to go. If you're trying to do it for under a grand, the musical fidelity A300 ha... 
Speaker Selection: B&W 805S or Revel M22 w/Sli-80
I have only owned the B&W 805S (current model) and the Revel M20. From experience with the two, I would pick the B&W, hands down. But, I have not heard the M22, and they may have made drastic improvements over the M20, which is an excellen... 
Tri Vista looking for some new speakers
Well, the 803D's are great. And I used to own a musical fidelity/B&W system and loved it. But, you might want to try something by audio physic. They are supposed to be an excellent match with Musical Fidelity. Also, I know that Thiel demos a l... 
audio physic virgo and valves
Try a Music Reference RM 200. I think it's 100 wpc. Awesome setup. 
What time do you wear?
Sorry for the typo - more than once.. That should read: aerospace, not areospace...