
Responses from s7horton

B&W what amp is best solid state or tube... guess
Interesting. I heard a pass labs amp (150.5) with B&W speakers and didn't like it at all. Sterile, dry. B&W and Classe or B&W and McIntosh are much more to my liking. Jeff Rowland is also incredible. 
definition of balanced mode vs. single ended
There is convenience for both applications as well. Most all home audio that uses balanced connections will sound better than when using single-ended, because that is how the equipment was designed. Pro audio is benefitted greatly by balanced cabl... 
Importance of warm up. I hope this helps someone
You can edit digital to pull out defects and add other sonics with many different things such as pro tools 
Tuntable not working with wood floors..Help
Moving the turntable to a corner is a great, cost effective idea. I don't think that mounting it on the wall will help. I don't it's the floor, more like what is supporting the floor that is causing the flexing. If the floor is flexing, there is a... 
Recommend LCD / plasma TV ?
After researching 40" LCD's, I'd say stick with the Sony. Don't get too caught up in looking at the picture in the store....unless they have been calibrated correctly. That will make or break a TV. 
B&W 804s vs. Von Schweikert VR4jr
Chazz, the 804 only went up in price by 500 bucks. That's without a price increase over the life of the Nautilus line. With the upgraded crossover, the upgraded tweeter and no price increase in about 8 years, I would say that 500 bucks isn't so bad. 
Best object in your listening room.
The futon that I custom built out of walnut. The end table I use for my drink, and the equipment rack I built. I also like the cd racks that I built that hang on the wall.. 
Anyone ever heard or read about JM Labs Cobalt 806
I own them. Well, actually, the upgrade. The JM Labs Cobalt 806S. The "S" stands for signature and added a differnet crossover, but I'm not sure what else. US list price was $1095. They have since been discontinued, and I think the profile line to... 
Top Notch affordable? speakers for 30 watt Amp
Maybe Reference 3A? 
Paradigm studio 100 v2. amp. Headphones concerns
anthem makes some good integrateds that would work well with the Paradigms (unless you crank it ridiculously loud) They do have headphone outputs that would work. 
PSB Stratus Mini's
If you are looking used, you may be able to find a pair of Revel M20's. Having owned those and the paradigm studio 20 v3's and the PSB's (Not at the same time) I still say that you would be very impressed by what the Revel's can do. Personally, th... 
Audiophile license plates
B&W 803D and Pathos Classic One
I think you'll find that you won't know what the 803's can really do without giving them some power. I do not think the pathos has enough to do what you want it to. 
YBA Designs
Velo, I'd be very interested in hearing your opinion on the differences between the AR gear and the new YBA Design. I've been a fan of AR for a long time and currently have the intergrated and cdp. Thanks. 
Anyone else here running Flying Moles?
I have had interest in these amps and a local dealer told me that they sound great with Von Schweikert speakers, but I have never heard them. After hearing the terribly bad rotel digital amp, I'm almost afraid to listen to the Flying Moles.