
Responses from s7horton

Which is Best loudspeaker in the $1000-1200 range?
"And whether you like it or not, I am entitled to say it." I couldn't care less if you say it or not. You didn't offend me, just pointing out that you in fact are using them as a reference point. To say that something is better than "X", is in fac... 
Used CDP $1k better than Apollo
I've had experience with the Planet 2000, and if the Apollo is as good as they say it is (I have not heard it) I wouldn't think twice for around a grand. If you do pick one up, let me know what you think of it. 
Used CDP $1k better than Apollo
This may be an odd question, but you seem to like the Apollo quite a bit, why don't you just buy that one? 
Which is Best loudspeaker in the $1000-1200 range?
Beheme, although your attempt was to tear on B&W, it was actually a compliment, as you are using them as an industry reference. 
List of Floorstanders around $6500.00 NEW
Room size, music taste, and associated equipment would be a good thing to include. Otherwise people will have a tough time making suggestions. 
MF x-150 intergrated...
What's your current gear? I own one, and like it, but don't think it's necessarily the end all piece of gear under a grand. 
new cd player for $1500.00?
Musical Fidelity A308 CD player should be just what you are looking for.Eldarado, have you done a direct comparison between the new Rega and the 1072? 
Revel F52 solution vs jbl synthesis array
"Revel doesn`t make horns"amar is asking about the differences between the two, not if Revel makes horns. 
tube amps for B & W 603's ???
I surely wouldn't assume they are out of business just because they don't return emails.How much do you want to spend? 
Is it worth changing from B&W N805 to the 805S?
I am skeptical of them releasing an 805D. However, even if they do, there is not even rumor of it yet. That tells me we aren't even close to seeing one. I agree with Brian though, if we do see one, I expect the retail cost to be around 5000 a pair. 
CD Player recomendations $400-$600 ?
Rotel RCD 1072. That's what I'm using with my Studio 20 v3. I have to disagree with the laid back comment though. I don't find these speakers laid back at all. I would guess most of that is from your amp. 
Is it worth changing from B&W N805 to the 805S?
In a word, yes. I'm sure you'll get people like Judy426 bashing B&W, my best advice is listen and see. Because I have owned both, I'd like to offer my opinion. I was very happy going to the Nautilus 805. Had them for a while, and my dealer cal... 
Need help with finding out value of home theater
The signature 805's are good for about 650 bucks for the pair. I'd be glad to help you out and take them from you for an even 1000 dollars!! 
What Speakers Do Audio Insiders Own?
Well, reading most any audio magazine (ie, stereophile, the absolute sound, etc...) will let you know what reviewers own themselves. But, most often than not, the reviews own very high end gear. So unless you are shopping in that arena, it may not... 
Best cd player for under $800.00
I second the Rotel.