
Responses from rwd

What's simplest effective record cleaning process
Yes Lugnut (and Albert) the LP #9 is the way to go when cleaning cartridiges. 
Innersound Isis
I heard the Eros at the NYC show this past May (the Eros are the bigger brothers)......anyway....if the Iris is close to the Eros.....then they can play rock, classical, jazz......The Eros was spactacular!! If I ever though of changing my speakers... 
Which components knocked you out on first listen?
Two....the first experience was when I was about 17 or 18 years old. I was sent on an erand by my boss to an applience store in downtown New York City, Hines & Boulet. This was 1962-63??? When I walked in the store I heard music (SOUNDS) that ... 
Need help - Set up Helikon using test LP
Sid, I just received my Hi-Fi teat record yesterday. I will test it on my Aries/VPI 10.5/Benz M2 and then my Helikon. I will report back.TWL...your advice clearly seems as though you have great experience in this area. We all (vinyl lovers) thank ... 
EAR 834P vs. Audio Research PH-3
Hey Guys....have you upgraded the tubes in your PH 3?? What and where did you get the tubes??? 
All time classics? Your top 3 or 4?
I guess I'd say...The Decca Mk5 cartridgeThe Infinity Servo Static 1AThe ARC SP3 and the Mark Levinson JC-2AR Turntable & The AR 3A 
EAR 834P vs. Audio Research PH-3
Marakanetz....I've heard from a friend that changing the tubes in the ARC PH3 to NOS makes a BIG difference!!! He changed to Seimens......!!!! 
Norah Jones LP from arrived
I received the Norah vinyl yesterday is WONDERFUL!!! 
Ringmat vs. Linn felt mat
Having had the great Linn LP 12 ...I tried the "RingMat"...but went back to the origional felt math. For some strange reason...the simple stuff works best on the Linn? 
neutrality vs. realism
I would like to add my 2 cents to this question...."to reproduce recorded music as neutral as possible or to give the highest possible level of realism?"...I remember (many yeras ago) visiting Lyric Hi-Fi in NYC. The great Mike Kay demoed the Mark... 
Help in Speaker Selection
Jim... I have heard the Innersound Eros once at the NYC show in May. I was highly impressed. It is what HP described in his review. Take a listen if you can! 
Need help - Set up Helikon using test LP
P.S. I just ordered the HR record yesterday. I will try it on my VPI Aries/10.5/Helikon and then switch to my Benz m2.......I should report back in a week! 
AMPS- - Help ARC 200 or ARC Classic 150 or .....
Great comments.......guys! And to make the anxiety even higher...someone put a VT 200 on 'gon for 3K!!!! My hands are sweating! 
AMPS- - Help ARC 200 or ARC Classic 150 or .....
Thanks your VT 200 a mk1 or 2? Are you familiar with the VT100 mk2?? I just wanted to get some ideas from our 'gon family before I contacted a dealer for an "in-home" demo of the vt200...... I was also courious about the classi... 
EAR 834P vs. Audio Research PH-3
Jeffrey....FYI.....the SE version is better then the regular PH....but not by a great deal. If you can find a regular 3 at a good price, snap it up. If, however, you see an SE at a resonable the same!