
Responses from rwd

ARC preamp recommendation
If you can afford it...the SP 10 you have listed is the one!!! 
David Berning "Holy Grail" 45 SE ZOTL now exists happy you have your new baby! From what I've read this should keep you in Hi-Fi heaven for quite some time. Keep us all posted as to the progress...BTW...I am not a horn person....and you indicatred that you get gerat "slam" base from yo... 
What speakers with Audio Research VT-100
I've heard the Vandersteen 5's with the VT 100 mkll and it was fabulous!! 
Continuation of my Thread on VPI, Basis, Origin...
Id' like to close this thread by saying "thank you " to you all for your kind advice, especially TWL. I plan now to do some research on more TT's and arms and cartridges...and I WILL get back to you when I have decided which way to go. You probabl... 
Continuation of my Thread on VPI, Basis, Origin...
Hi All...sorry for a brief delay (busy at work)...I would like to answer make some very good and valid points! I am quite happy with the "sound" of my Benz m2 and Helikon cartridges. However, I began to notice some inconsis... 
Infinity RS 1 Crossover expert..........
There are no "experts" in all the NYC area???? Oh my!!!!! 
Continuation of my Thread on VPI, Basis, Origin...
Hi Aries was set up by a fairly knowledgeable person. The arm 10.5 cartridges as well. My concern is the arm....the 10.5. You see, I had tried the HR test record for anti-skate and the arm faired poorly....Many people have advise ag... 
Need advice/info on various used ARC phono preamps
Hi Steve, we seem to have similar electronics....I have the PH 3SE and before that I had the regular PH 3 as a phono stage. Although the se version was better (a bit quiter, maybe more dynamics) there was not a HUGH difference. I have yet to upgra... 
VPI 10.5 vs Graham 2.2
Thank you ALL for your advice.....First off, Sid, I can't recall how many times I twisted the arm wire but it is now in a non looped or curved design (I assume this is what VPI want it to look like?)? Anyway, I tried track 6 and it worked.....Trac... 
VPI 10.5 vs Graham 2.2
Hi Sid (and everyone)...I did the test on both my cartridgers....Here we go! FIRST please understand...I am an tech "no-no". I can only listen well. Set up and adjustments must be very easy for me so that is key. Anyway: The Benz m2 passed #6........ 
Re tubing an ARC PH 3 SE....
Frank....someone said the Amperex he used (not sure which model) was worse then the stock Sovteck? I believe he used the 6DJ8...I will check. 
Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?
BTW... I want to report that the LP #9 cleaned my stylus on my Helikon perfectly. Much better then the Last Cleaner.Now, Albert, I will test the record cleaner. 
Review: Audio Research LS-25 mkII Tube preamp
Thanks for the review! I have the LS 25 MK1 and I am interested in an upgrade. This review helped! 
This is
....This.......What is "the Best Upgrade Question"..... 
This is
sorry folks.......the title of this thread should have read the above!!!!