
Responses from rwd

What does Current mean in a power amp???
Boy...did I get an ear full!!! Only joking folks! I must confess that most of what I read is very interesting but my exposure to technical knowledge is really not there! ( Business Major :)....any way...Sean answered this question by answering my ... 
Amps Used With Infinity Rs1..Successfully or....
Thanks Sean for the input......... 
Amps Used With Infinity Rs1..Successfully or....
Hi fbi...I am using the ARC VT 100 mkll on the top and on the bottom I am currently using the Perreaux 2150B. It is quite old but still going strong and performing well. I have run a few threds about power amps for the top end to see if I should i... 
What does Current mean in a power amp???
To answer MBurns question........I am driving the base sub woofers of the Infinity RS 1_B's. It is described as a low impedence speaker....I believe it is 4 ohms. 
Does the amp wattage make a big difference?
Can this work with the special Infinity bass crossover??? The bass amp must be hooked to the cerossover and then fed back to the speaker........maybe it would work??Fbi...can you add some comments? 
ARC VT 200 mkl vs the ARC VT 100 mkll
I guess this post did not intrigue anyone here?? OK let me restate it. If you were to go with a more powerful power tube amp what would you go for (used if possible). I now have ARC VT 100mk2. Thanks! The unit would be driving an 8 ohm load (Infi... 
What is a good intro to "Mahler"?
I just listened to the 1st (Claudio Abbatto) and the 2nd....Bernstein! WoW!! I was really struck by these two symphonies. His (Mahler) work is quite interesting. I appreciate all the info you gave me! Thanks! 
Dynaudio Confidence C4's vs. Sonus Faber Amati
I've only auditioned the Sonus once. It was at a dealer's showroom, so 'nuf said. However, I was not that impressed with them at all. They were very polite and warm sounding but never really let me "forget" and return me to the concert hall. Sorry... 
Grado Master, Benz Glider, or Shelder 501 ?
Alvu, I'm not familar with the Shelder 501. Can you tell me who the manufacture is. Also is it MM or MC? Price??Thanks! 
What is the best
You could probably get a used ARC PH3 for a good deal. I have the SE verson and must say that the regular version was mighty close!!! 
Moving coil cartridge advice needed
Hi Doug....bit of a trip for you....NYC (Staten Island) but you are most welcomed!!!!P.S. Any of you in the area are! 
Moving coil cartridge advice needed
Hi Doug!If you live in the Tri-State area (New York) you are most welcomed to come by and listen (see) my Aries/JWM/Helikon set up!Regards...Rick 
Moving coil cartridge advice needed
Hi all...I am no techno person but I can respond that I have an Aries and 10.5 with a Lyra Helikon and a Benz Micro Med MC. (I have two arm tubes). The Helikon is very comfortable in the are and sounds quite good! When I first got the table and am... 
What is a good intro to "Mahler"?
This is just wonderful....thanks for all the responses!Russ....good to see (read) you again! 
New Dynaudio C series candidates for ugliest list.
I agree with Davifran...not a bad looking a matter of fact, for me.....they would fit in well (visually).I too found they quite impressive in a brief audition at the NY show in May. One of the best sounds that weekend!