
Responses from rwd

Best Respighi Pines of Rome
I have the decca Maazel and it is exquisite! 
$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS
......Like the Hurricane??? or ARC 200 or VTL 450???? Right? 
$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS
Are the Atma-Spheres powerful enough to drive the 4 ohm Infinity RS 1B's? I was always under the impression that they needed the 100-200-300 wpc to really sing. I will have to check out the Atma's!! 
$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS
Hey folks please let me ask this question about the ASL Hurrican and speaker matching like Rcrump metioned. I have been looking for a good deal on an ARC VT 200 or VTL 450 to drive my 4 ohm top end Infinity RS 1B's. Do you think this guy (Antique ... 
Info on Perreaux PMF 5550.....
Thanks Sean....I think I'll have a go at it! 
Why are Infinities the Rodney Dangerfields of spe
I must add my 2 cents also.....I have a pair of "originnal" RS 1B's (they were 1A's but upgraded completely to 1B's). I have listened to numorous speakers over the years and the Infinity's still stands tall against the speakers of today. Sure, the... 
How is Wally Tools anti-skate device for JMW?
Hi Sid....I thought I'd see a thread like this started by either you or me! I call VPI and they are raving about this device......I anxious to hear also.TWL......have you any comments???Rick 
Can anyone help me on Audio Research PH 3SE?
Hi...I have the same PH 3SE but with the ARC LS 25 line stage. I have a Helikon also. I set my line stage pre-amp to the "high" level (there are 3 on the 25) and I usually set the volmne control on the 25 to about 1-2PM.....and the volumn in my ro... 
Aerial 20T...has anyone heard it?
Brianwater, I read your last thread about the 10's. Did you have sub woofers with them? Do you need sub's with the 20's?? 
ARC VT200 or Sonic Frontiers
I am also interested in the VT 200 but there have not been many responses about the unit here on the "Gon. I wonder why? I have the VT 100 mkll and also wondered if the VT 200 mk1 was better or a Conrad Jonson 8 ...(need to drive my Infinity RS-1-... 
Best N.O.S. Tubes for Audio Research LS 25 MK1
I am interested in this also!!! I just got some Matsushita tubes from Andy at Vintage Tubes and put them into my ARC PH 3 SE....too soon to tell but I suspect I hear a difference...have to listen more tonight. Anyway, I have heard good comments ab... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
TBG...right on about the Servo Statics 1-A's! 
Shelter 501 II - what to use to clean tip??
Hey Tom!!!! Doesn't that catch the cartridge on fire????!!!!!! (ONLY JOKING)...Yes I heard that as well.I am using the LP #9 from Record Researh given to me graciously by Albert Porter...does quite a good job!!! 
Anybody remember G.A.S.
I certinly do! I had, at one time, the Ampzilla and Theadra per-amp. As I recall there was a 3 way battle for top honors in the Harry Perason camp between GAS, Audio Research and Mark Levinson (the company). I also recall that people who purchased... 
OK all you Infinity RS 1A/1B Beta speaker owners..
Do you (ladycharnet) know of a real good tech (tri-state area NYC) that can do this type of work? I would love to put in a new power supply into my servo crossover.