
Responses from rwd

Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
Thanks Arcangelo for that was not mentioned in the HP review. I started a new thread on this for my education on triode mode ( I know nothing about it)! 
Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
Zaikesman....I normally do not jump out there and buy something without a listen (especially from a company that I know very little of). However, with that said, I do know that I have been advises a number of times that my speakers would do much b... 
Anyone hear new Antique Sound Labs "Hurricane"?
I am waiting for mine to come in. There is a bit of a backlog on orders due to the positive review in TAS. I hope to hook them up as soon as I get them and give a review or comments back to all of us. I am currently using an ARC VT 100mkll amp.Rick 
Best Tonearm Match for Shelter 901
Twl, you always amaze me with, not only the complete knowledge of vinyl, but the way you communicate it. Up front and honest and in a very non-confrontational manor.My hat's off to you.........Oh by the way....if your ever in town (NYC) I'd love y... 
Perreaux amplifier 3150B - your opinion sought
"As such, it has the potential to kill you ".........SEAN, my are scaring me to pieces!!!!But seriously, I am still looking for this amp (took your advice or the one on auction. I do respect your advice so when (if) I get this gu... 
Having trouble with hum ?
Rockhoarder, try moving the motor at bit or put a mouse pad under you motor and see what happens. I had a similar problem with my Aries when I switched speeds to 45 from 33. Anyway, the problem went away...(and I removed the mouse pad)! 
VPI HR-X vs SME 20
Mike, I had a great Saturday....I saw "Oklahoma"!!! Great idea and great show. Boy, another interesting post. Anyway, since I have had no personal experience with this particular situation, I cannot add anything. However, I am VERY interested in ... 
OK all you Infinity RS 1A/1B Beta speaker owners..
Hi is this done???? Don't you need the infinity crossover for the servo control for the woofers??? 
Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
Zaikes, come on!!! It could be fun???? :>)) 
VPI HR-X vs SME 20
Rufus, can you keep us all posted on this? I am very interested in the outcome. I too am interested in the VPI HR-X TT and would like to know the potential problems. I currently own an Aries and I have not had any problems with the motor. Although... 
Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
Boy.....someone has taken this thread on a merry ride! Some of this is quite good but may belong in a new thread like rating the reviewers? I happen to think it might be quite good. On the original subject I think we squeezed about all we can from... 
Audio Research service
That is GREAT service! 
Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
Judesonic....thanks for your reply. I am anxious to get these into my system Currently I am using the ARC VT 100 mkll to drive my mid/tweeter (EMIM-EMIT) on the RS 1-B's. When I go to the concert and hear a symphony orchestra in action (both ppp a... 
Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
Zaikesman.....Hi, read your comments.....wasn't that Scarlet who said that??? I'm here at work and will comments back to you all.......thanks! 
Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
Asa...some very good points and I will be more then happy to report back to you all as soon as I get my units in from the dealer. I hope Judesonics also chimes in with some more of his coments soon also. Seems I have a bit to loose....I'm buying t...