
Responses from rwd

Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?
Will do Albert!!! 
Stand for turntable......
Believe me....I had a stand and base made for my Aries table (custom) and there was a marked improvement! The designer eliminated all the spikes and replaced them with soft absorbing "balls" and air-tubes between the bases. I am trying to get the ... 
EAR 834P vs. Audio Research PH-3
If you are in the tri-state area (NY)....I have an ARC PH3SE. Happy to have you take a listen with your EAR 834P! 
Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?
Yes!!!! Sorry folks. I used the LP#9 on my Benz M2. "Spit & Polish"....came clean as can be. Now the real test. It is with my Helikon that I noticed some dust (dirt) on the stylus that just would not come off.....I plan to change arm tubes (wi... 
MM or MC cartridge.....
TWL....."Good Show"!!!!! ...... and good move. I was going to respond also but I wondered if you were in a "bad" mood. You're point was correct and people should try to use the system. But, people make mistakes and they also want "YOU to answer TH... 
Need help - Set up Helikon using test LP
Hummmmmm.....does this mean that I have to do the same??? I guess I'll get the Hi-Fi record and do the same and report back....I have the Helikon/10.5.Aries also. 
OK.......I need more info on the Shelter 901......
Frank...wainting to hear what you think of the 901 and PH3SE!!!! 
Need help - Set up Helikon using test LP
Sid...give the Helikon some time to break in.....It's going to get better!!!! And, yes, keep us posted! 
Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?
I received the LP #9 cartridge cleaner yesterday. I plan to try it tonight...i will keep you all posted!P.S. Thanks Albert (great photos!!!!) 
Kinergatics amp
I was always under the impression that they (Kinergetics) made the Eagle amp?? 
Dvorak 9th Symphony
OOPS! I just got my monthly Classical List from Scott Campbell and in it under Columbia was "Dvorak, New World Symphony (#5). I believe the 5th and 9th may be the same. Can I be right????? 
OK.......I need more info on the Shelter 901......
Slowhand....keep us posted, please. My ARC PH3SE has .54bd that enough for the Shelter? I already have the Helikon (regular) and it works well with the ARC. I am just interested in dumping my Benz m2 for a better cartridge to share wi... 
Revel vs. Aerial vs. B&W
kr4...keep us posted on the Aerial 20's.....!! 
Best Cartridge for VPI TNT Hot Rod +JMW12.5+SDS
Hi Ads...sounds like you are going to have a great set-up! Keep us all posted! I also had a Grado Sonata for awhile. It was installed in an Itok arm in a Linn LP12 table. It was fine for some time but then I started to see the famous Grado rumble.... 
Auditioned Innersound gear
Not a bad idea, Russ...I'll give him a call!