
Responses from rwd

A tribute to Roger Sanders and Innersound
What is the difference in the new MK lll speaker? Anyone know?? 
Auditioned Innersound gear
Angela....what is the difference in the new model? 
Dvorak 9th Symphony
Scott.....what is his 8th called??? Anyone?? 
Dvorak 9th Symphony
Is this the sympony called "The New World"??? 
VPI Aries owners
That's part of the design for the custome made stand made for me.....a special tire called "Isobase" (I believe). This along with some interesting things (absolutely no spikes!!!!!) make a wonderful isolation system.P.S. To all who e-mailed me, I ... 
What did you replace your DQ-10's with?
....sorry I didn't answer completely...I now have Infinity RS 1-B's..... 
Aries and JMW 10 Arm
Tim, Sattothestars is correct. I believe there is a hex screw on the side of the lift that will allow you to adjust the height. I do not use a mat. I do not believe that VPI wants you to? You will love the table and arm. I believe you sent me an e... 
What did you replace your DQ-10's with?
In 1977 I replaced them with Accoustats X's 
New cartridge question
I also have the Helikon and I am driving it with the ARC PH3SE rated at .54 dB. It drives it very comfortably! 
VPI Aries owners
Hi Sid...I had a custom base made for the unit and the difference was enormous! If anyone is interested let me know and I will forward you his name and information. I am also trying to get Harry Weiseld to see this stand and possibly incorporate i... 
Does anyone own the new Dynaudio C-4's yet???
I have listened to both. However, one in someones home (Piega's) and at the show in NYC (C-4's). This is a tough call. I recall the Piegas as having a georgeous presentation and sound stage with ultra clean mid's and highs. Although the speaker us... 
Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?
Sure Albert..e-mail on the way.....But, has anybody used the item that Michael Fermer wrote about a few monts ago in Stereophile? It's a gummy solution and you gently put you stylus tip on this "ball" and off goes the gunk. Any comments? 
Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?
No.......What is it, Albert?????? 
What is a good intro to "Mahler"?
I'm looking for the LP Mahler #3 Horenstein....difficult to find (so far)! 
Great Spooky &/or Melancholic Soundtrack/Classical
Spooky??? How about "The Plague" on Decca Head6. Hard to find but very well recorded (vinyl).