
Responses from runnin

Help - Listening fatigue
Paradigms can be bright, and the models you have presently are lower end. I'd suggest they are the weak link, I've got the 7v3 which can be brighter too. Glad that cabling helped, but in the long run you might consider an upgrade there, take your ... 
Just a bit to bright
Nonetheless, if you have bright speakers, you must do something. Some choose to not sell, and there are other options beside components with "severe colorations". 
Swapping Paradigm studio 100 tweeter to Beryllium
I'm an owner of the Paradigm S6 v2. I don't know what their secret is, but they really are onto something with the beryllium. They image like nothing I've owned. 
Just a bit to bright
One further thought. The speakers in this set up could be a difficult load. Any idea what the ohm rating is and if it dips lower at certain frequencies? It could be a tough load for a near entry level integrated amp. If that's the case, at higher ... 
Just a bit to bright
I have 2 NAD integrated, the C326BEE and the C372. The older 372(7 years or so) is warmer sounding than the 326, yet I wouldn't call the 326 bright. I have Paradigm S6 speakers with forward sounding tweeters that make some amps sound brighter.I ha... 
Emotiva xpa1 gen 2 with clsiizs
Fatnner, I think you've been playing with the idea of an Emotiva experiment for a couple of months, as I've read your thoughts in a few different forums(unless it was someone else). Emotiva tends to sound bright and harsh at higher volume levels. ... 
Bryston, Sansui or NAD..which amp to recondition?
In the initial post it seems that none of the amps need any repair. It's therefore hard to say whether any of them are operating out of spec. So how they sound now may be as good as they are going to get, sonically speaking. At any rate, it sounds... 
Bob Carver back?
Glad he said no to Emotiva, some things are more important than the downward spiral of cheaper and cheaper prices. China doesn't need anymore American business. 
Using Oppo 105 as an AV Receiver
The Oppo 105 has 7.1 outputs and a volume control as well as independent speaker level adjustments. It also has 2 HDMI inputs, which it can process.So it could be connected directly to your Rotel amp and viewing device, but it can't power speakers... 
Need a warm amp for bright speakers
Going from one receiver to another is a risky option. Can you demo the monitor 9's at a dealer with some other brands, like Denon? 
Has anybody tried using single solid core cables?
Wolf, which IC's do you have, what do you think of the Big Sur or the Syndey interconnects from Audioquest? 
speakers with Parasound?
Sorry, I just noticed that the Z amp is 45 wpc. That may not be a good match for the above Sierra 1 I suggested after all if you plan to drive them to high levels, but normal listening levels would be fine. I'd phone whichever manufacturer/dealer ... 
Amp suggestions
Yes, I'm curious as to how the A21 sounds with the PSB's, and what models they are. For that matter, what's the rest of the system? 
Has anybody tried using single solid core cables?
On the house wiring, #14 gauge. I'm an electrician and I was surprised to find that Audioquest Type 4 solid core cables are much stiffer and stronger yet not brittle as you would expect. The type 4 has 4 conductors, 2 17 gauge and 2 20 gauge. What... 
speakers with Parasound?
A speaker company that has a great rep is Ascend Acoustics. Their best bookshelf was the Sierra 1, coming in several handsome finishes and starting at about 900. But they just released a new model that surpasses the '1', called the "2"(hey, no one...