
Responses from runnin

My current options: Anthem MCA30 or Bryston 3bSST2
I would think that the best option from Parasound would be the 3 channel amp, the Halo A31 at 250 wpc. Full retail on it is 3300, much less than Bryston amps.The OP mentioned getting a couple of Bryston amps because they would fit in his shelving ... 
Emotiva XPA-2
Well everybody's got their favorite brand and sound, Paradigm isn't for everybody, and neither is Emotiva with their bright sound. 
Emotiva XPA-2
Schubert, it was easy to get rid of the bright sterile sound. Have you listened to Paradigm Signature speakers at all, I mean the ones with the beryllium tweeters?Or are you just going by your experiences with the Studio or Monitor line? When I sw... 
what amp under a grand?
They are both good, the Bel would be a bit better, but it depends on your budget. Cost not an issue then the Bel Canto would be the better choice. 
Emotiva XPA-2
I had an XPA amp as well as a DAC and cd player from Emotiva. I don't care for their house sound, with my Paradigm sigs the amp was bright and sterile sounding, with occasional sibilance. I think it depends on the speakers as their amps don't seem... 
what amp under a grand?
Another thought is to stay with Parasound for the amp. The 2125 comes up for sale occasionally, or you could buy a demo online for a little over 650 when they come up for sale. I've become a big Parasound fan after I discovered them a couple of ye... 
Emotiva XPA-2
It sounds like you are quite partial to your vintage Snells, and that's great. I've got Morrow level 3, they make a great interconnect. 
ANyone heard the New Parasound Halo P5?
This forum seems to prefer the more exotic or rare brands. Names like Nad, Parasound, Outlaw Audio, Emotiva or ATI don't seem to impress around here. Don't read too much into it, Parasound is definitely worth looking into. 
oppo's volume control
Just an update on the clicks I was experiencing several months ago when using the 103 direct to amp. I was doing some reading on firmware updates for the unit since a new update was just released on the weekend.Oppo addressed the issue in a previo... 
If you have ever bought anything from HSU research
I'm still not quite sure what went on. The OP I'm guessing(?) gave them his credit card info, the item was shipped and showed up damaged? Too much info missing already, like whether the damage was visible and on the cardboard container it came in ... 
What's your profession? Age?
Great thread idea, a 13 yr old thread is a beautiful thing! I'm 47, an electrician living outside of Vancouver Canada. My current 2 channel rig would retail for 11K, and the theater about 10K, thought I paid much less for both.I restarted the 2 ch... 
oppo's volume control
thanks for that, everyone has their preferences but what I don't get are those who insist that theirs are right and any other is wrong. But I agree, to each their own. 
oppo's volume control
That's the fun of this hobby, there are so many options to tinker with! That Rega looks like quite the unit, please update us with your findings. 
oppo's volume control
With the volume issue, how are you connecting the Oppo, XLR or RCA's? Hopefully it's XLR because you'll get about 6 db less using the RCA's which might help your volume issue. I tried anntenuators too but I was concerned that another item in the s... 
oppo's volume control
Another update, so you're on this forum, it seems you market some kind of preamp like device that's like a straight wire with gain. Good for you, but you, as representing a company, you shouldn't come on forums and slag other companies. That's bad...