
Responses from runnin

Parasound P5
Sweet, that's good news. It's a great package of features and everything I'm looking for to go with my Halo A21. Should be mine by Christmas. 
What's Up with ATI?
I'm not sure what your intent was in referencing Emotiva, who for all intents and purposes haven't done any better with processors having released 2 UMC's. They've failed with Sherbourn, TacT and thus far the XMC-1, now over 2 years late with no r... 
From separates to reciever?
You can get an Onkyo TX-NR717 on amazon for less than the UMC. It has 7.2 preouts and many features found on any midlevel AVR, but not the UMC.The UMC is a bare bones unit with no video processing, no networking features, no legacy video input, no... 
Emotiva owner announces the end of Sherbourn?
Yeah, I'm unclear on the specifics of the Carver partnership, but they have some kind of agreement. I think Emotiva wants to get into tubes. 
Suggestions for a good stereo preamp and amp
Perhaps a B&W owner can chime in, but I've heard this brand can be somewhat forward/bright , in which case an Anthem 225 or NAD c375BEE integrated would be good options. 
Requesting advice on preamp to buy
Since he's asking for suggestions, I've got my eye on the Parasound P5, which has all of his requirements and is slated for a fall release, priced about 950. 
Requesting advice on preamp to buy
If you want a preamp with optical input, then the preamp must also have a DAC. That narrows the field considerably and ups the price somewhat. 
Parasound P5
To further add to the mix, Wyred 4 Sound released a stereo pre with DAC earlier this year. I just found out about it and it retails for 1099. Also Peachtree now has one, though it's more limited in connectivity and is a hybrid tube variety, for 11... 
Parasound P5
That's interesting. Over at AVS, a poster by the name of Bill Mac got an email from Richard himself relating several features, and that the P5 would go for 950. Mind you, that email was from April 25, and perhaps things have changed since then. I ... 
Emotiva XPA-5 vs. Parasound A51?
I've had amps from both companies and concur with the superior midrange/highs detail. Also, the Parasound doesn't have the glare or harsh highs at upper volumes that the Emotiva did with my speakers, I actually got repeatable sibilance.If the 804'... 
Audio Research LS2B MKll vs Emotiva XSP-1
I don't believe the XSP has room correction, though it can be integrated into a theater system. I was following the XSP prior to its release but upon reading that the USP-1 was somewhat bright sounding, and upon discovering bright characteristics ... 
What happened to Jfox
I am a newcomer here but already quite appreciate the many knowledgeable members who contribute, and do so with tact. After being a member of the avs forum for several years, I left there tired of the bickering and small mindedness that occurs reg... 
Advice on AV Receiver versus Separates
Those theater amps you are considering from Marantz are not among their better amps. Any amp that can't handle 4 ohm speakers is no better than the amps in a mid level receiver, although the 8003 has better specs. I'd suggest amps from companies s... 
Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva
Will Carver do as well as Sherbourn has? Because they've done pretty lousy since the Emotiva takeover. It's easy to speculate I know, but their track record needs to be considered. Emotiva recently dropped a bomb. The XMC-1 will not have TacT at a... 
Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva
I hadn't considered that. So customers who bought a Carver product before this takeover now see take a big hit on the market value. Emotiva is a hard one to figure out. They take over Sherbourn and continue the dealer model, but then switch to int...