
Responses from rockvirgo

Upgrading Power Supply Caps
If you're talking about the large can caps, I renewed the ones in a Threshold S/300 Series II a few years ago. I searched the web for electrical equivalents. Then narrowed it down further to which ones were identical in size. Since my plan was pre... 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
What habit? I don't have a habit. Who says I have a habit?Actually I'm good for at least two passes of the New Today section per day, everyday. Explorer's Edit/Find functions speed things along when I'm in a hurry. 
Eliminating static electricity from albums??
Peter s, ok you caught me. The correct QUICK method is to touch first one edge AND THEN the opposite edge of the LP to one's nose. In stubborn cases keep nosing at various points along the edge until no detectable charge remains.I of course applau... 
Eliminating static electricity from albums??
After cleaning and just before play, to dispel static charge lift the LP from the turntable and touch its edge to the tip of your nose. It works, no kidding! 
help with speaker problem
Try flute and soprano sax to hear if they also generate the anomaly. If so, you're hearing distortion caused most likely by the impurity of one or more legs in your signal chain. When I had the same problem it finally disappeared when I switched p... 
audio research or wife
dbtrucks your cadence inspired this memory:round the curvelickety splitnice new carwasn't it?burma shave 
Ohm question
A Google of wiring+speakers+series+parallel+effect produces 43,500 hits.Here's a sample from: the way, when you hook things up in parallel, the power thru the speakers is shared equally. This says that you ... 
TIps for photographing gear for ads?
Apart from ways to capture the model itself, adding something else, like a green houseplant or small antique, creates visual interest. Background choice helps too. For example, placing the model on a grainy wooden table or oriental carpet can help... 
Common Ground and XLR?
High current capability amps like being plugged directly into the wall. The main worry with multiple outlets is whether the hot and common legs are wired uniformly with the same polarity. A handheld outlet tester works great to let you know what's... 
Theta Basic II transport repair or move on
If you're sure it needs a new laser, start by shopping for another unit. $700 certainly won't get you a new unit of comparable quality, but you could find a better performing used one. Even if it's not the laser, after tacking on the $200 for a ge... 
Because I've only experienced the annoying variety during speaker auditions, I associate sibilance with speaker choice. So maybe your SAE were masking a KEF artifact that the ARC reveals? Try substituting another set of speakers. 
Threshold S/5000e new amp too good to be true???
Thanks for the link. The 250 wpc rating of the 38 lb. S/5000e had me digging out my original E Series operating manual. The early 90's vintage S/550e was also rated 250 wpc, yet weighs 97 lbs. The 250 wpc Pass X250 weighs 100 lbs. Makes one wonder... 
How do amplifiers work?
Wet, for some insight into how it all works, we'll have to talk about another rating, the efficiency of the speakers. The standard efficiency rating is expressed as a certain sound pressure level measured one meter away that is produced using one ... 
How to track down bad tube and what can it mean?
As Maxwell Smart would say: the old tree growing in the speaker routine, eh? Glad you solved the mystery! 
How do amplifiers work?
Here's how I look at it: electricity is generated by converting one form of stored energy into another. Moving water, wind, or steam made from fuel spin turbines which are like big reverse electric motors. In your home there are wall outlets. The ...