
Responses from rockvirgo

Switching polarity of tweeter in two-way design
Agree with Jbehr. I always figured the reason for putting the tweeter out of phase was to cancel its response overlap with the woofer. Time aligned designs usually have some slant or tilt thing happening to place the tweeter farther away than the ... 
How do I keep my cats off my amplifier?
I placed a couple of 6" tall brass bookends with felt pad bottoms atop my power amp for a while. This added some heat sinking to the top cover but delivered only about 50% success. Sometimes the cat would rearrange them and curl herself around. No... 
upsampling HDCD?
As I recall HDCD conversion was licensed by Pacific Microsonics without whose chipset HDCD decoding is impossible. Part of the contract specified that redbook CD's play back at a lower level than HDCD's or something like that. As an offshoot, HDCD... 
Any other Pat Martino fans out there?
FWIW, I never could get into Martino. Back in the seventies when I paid some attention to him he seemed a technician and pretty proud of it. But I must admit he did provoke a reaction. Like Edesilva says, lots of chops but no connection. 
Digital voltage?
It's much clearer now, thanks for the responses! 
Best way of removing rust from silver or other
Be careful, most polishes contain abrasive cutters and they certainly do the job. Household furniture polish might be the only exception. For soft metals, i.e. copper, aluminum, silver, and gold use a cleaner like Meguiar's Cleaner/Wax. It's autom... 
Madeline Peyroux/dreamland
Her fast attack, long E vocalizations on some of the lyrics to Always a Use does sound a little hot or harsh over my setup. Nonetheless I'd more likely blame the rig for harmonic distortion than fault the production. I'm certain a notch better pre... 
Madeline Peyroux/dreamland
My Dreamland HDCD Atlantic 82946 2 has remarkably good sound. The back of the jewel box has the raised Warner W logo. Perhaps you have the unlimited Shanghai edition? 
Silly Question...does a transport have a "sound" ?
Using a musicbank Nakamichi CD Player 2 was convenient but as a transport with a Theta Pro Prime IIa DAC cymbals sounded separate from the rest of the music program, as if there was a gap between them and the rest of the music. Substituting a Thet... 
Sex and the balanced interconnect.
On most preamps all the RCA's are females. But industrial strength XLR's tell you at a glance which are the inputs and which the outputs. Otherwise, fault finding while in front of a bank of components with speaker arrays roaring could be disconce... 
Sex and the balanced interconnect. up the soldering iron? Sounds unusual though. The male-female thing ordinarily makes them dummy proof with component males for outputs, component females for nature first intended :^) 
NEWBIE: Is JITTER a dance? and CLOCK like a watch?
Jitter are timing differences. A digital transport reads the data on a CD. The data has a sequence. To encode the sequence, timing data is embedded along with the music signal data on a CD. The "recovered clock" read from the CD by the transport i... 
Home Spindle Lube Test
Back when the 1219's were new, owner's used to compare who's platter would spin the longest after auto shut off. The Dual manual refers only to an "oiled" plug being pushed out when initially settling the platter. Bob, correct me if I'm off course... 
DIY Speaker Cable Canare 4s11 Home Depot Lowes
Speaker cables dig having the Returns next to the Sends. If you have two pair, four conductor cable isolate one pair for positive and one pair for negative inside the same sheath.Considering one pair, untwisted lamp cord (the kind on home lamps) w... 
Well-recorded Satie?
Nicely recorded (June 1992) Satie/Messe de Pauvres (17:13) performed by Christopher Bowers-Broadbent/organ from Gorecki/Satie/Milhaud/Bryars; ECM New Series 1495.