
Responses from rockvirgo

Can tube amps play loudly?
MaxxC, lots of volume controls are designed to increase loudness level in discrete steps, typically 3dB at a time. In this way it takes three plus clicks to make your sound twice as loud. That is, until the volume control nears the center of its r... 
Can tube amps play loudly?
Maxxc,Many volume controls advance in 3 dB steps in their lower range and taper to 1.5 dB steps in the middle. A 3dB increase in sound pressure requires twice as much power. A 10dB increase is twice as loud. So in your example, a 96dB speaker is t... 
Can tube amps play loudly?
Tube amp distortion is easier on the ear, so the power ratings on tube gear are sometimes quoted at higher percentage distortion levels than they are for solid state. Compare carefully among tube gear brands.Some of the most respected musical inst... 
Home Spindle Lube Test
Bob, I used lots of Q-tips (dry, wet, then dry) and visually inspected. Before running the first test the alcohol seemed to dissolve some varnish so I kept it in the mix. The surfaces looked clean enough for government work. Presumably, wiping wit... 
Best of Hearing Aids for deaf Audiophiles? Huh???
I hear ya! There ought to be rules for spouse speak:1. Before speaking, address your spouse by name, or pet name, to get its attention.2. While speaking, try being in the same room as the addressee, and if possible, point your voice apparatus in t... 
Riddle me this: how is carbon a conductor?
FWIW, carbon filaments are common in automotive spark plug leads. They generate less radio interference than stranded copper. Back in the 60's and 70's racers replaced carbon filament for stranded copper because copper is less fragile/more reliabl... 
Recording Limited?
Closing your eyes to get the feeling sounds like you're hooked on "watching" as much as listening. A few changes ago I found myself doing the same things you describe: especially noting the tonality; focusing on the imaging; blah blah. In short, t... 
I want surge protection, but I have no grounds
When I was in the same boat a clever electrician wired up the old house with some three prong outlets with one hot and two commons. Can't say exactly how he did it, but he made a jumper for each outlet out of single wires he pulled from a coil of ... 
What is clipping?
Clipping happens when an amp receives an INPUT signal beyond its capability.There are two theories why a clipping amp overheats tweeters: excess harmonics & compression.The older theory, excess harmonics, suggests that the clipped low frequenc... 
Vintage Advents too big for small room?
Forget monitors if you can't move them away from the walls and into the room. Their whole trick is imaging which demands away from boundry placement. Dimensionally, even happy sounding little monitors customarily make up in depth what they lack in... 
Vintage Advents too big for small room?
When I had original big Advents I built short stands for them from spare shelving, 1" x 6"s or 1" x 8"s, in an H pattern, cheap and easy. Big cinder blocks work too - put some carpet remnants between the speakers and the blocks. Basically use what... 
Upgrading Power Supply Caps
Mprime, come to think of it here are a few other observations. The Forte 4A was perhaps the most well received amp in Forte's brief history. While the compulsion to get more of a good thing is very persistant in audio, consider preserving the bala... 
Eerie, Ethereal, Moody, Involving Soundtracks
If you haven't got it already this CD will twist your head and stretch your rig. Beware of imitations; the original says Produced by David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti on the back:Soundtrack from Twin Peaks/Angelo BadalamentiWarner Bros 9 26316-2.... 
I'm frustrated with people who don't ...
To each his own. Don't let it get you down. Those who've been opening the egg at the wrong end since birth have little idea how crude it appears to others :^) 
What happened to Discwasher?
I still use the brush but ditched the fluid after I discovered globs of stuff growing inside. The growth occurs in both the small red bottles and the large red refills. Unless it can be pasteurized somehow I'd steer clear of NOS Discwasher fluid.