
Responses from robm321

Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
theaudiotweak, I had never thought of that, but it seems to make sense. I hope my back doesn't go out changing my records though. 
tube amp will drive von schweikert VR4-jr?
Fishwater, Have you thought of using a SS 100-200 WPC amp for the bass section instead. I think SS on the bass will give you good impact and leave the quality tubes for the midrange and highs? just throwing it out there. 
Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?
~ NO! 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
Actually, The "I say it the way it is" syndrome in phycology is nothing more than a dilusion of graduer. My Dad's been using it all his life to his own detriment. He's finally coming around. I think only God can say "I say it the way it is". Since... 
Which musician retired too soon?
Alvin never retired. He's in every record you have. Just speed it up and you'll realize he is behind all recorded music. 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
This kind of post doesn't accomplish anything and shows up once a week. What's the best ________ under whatever. You'll get 100 different answers each time which won't really narrow it down for you to audition. I understand you are looking for peo... 
CD Player or DAC
Do you currently have a transport? If not I would go with the Jolida JD100 if you are looking for warmth. If you insist on spending up to the $1,500, get it modded. If you want detail go for a used Cary 303/200 (which I've seen for $1,500. They ar... 
tube amp will drive von schweikert VR4-jr?
I would suggest 100W minimum. I have a 50 watt ASL amp and it drives them ok, but not in triode mode. I am going to give the bass 200W each channel with solid state and use my ASL tube amp for the mid-high at 30W. The bass driver uses most of the ... 
CD player for my system?
You are the absolute perfect candidate for the Jolida JD100. But listen first. 
Best 5 engineered rock albums?
Ghost_rider. I'm actually traveling now - but I promise I will post my thoughts. 
Which musician retired too soon?
lol TomRyan that's deep 
Driving Totem Forrests with 40W Tubes???
I agree with Mimberman. I heard the Forest's next to the arrows, and although the arrows are good the Totems have a much more full bodied sound. 
Best integrated amp with MartinLogan Aerius
I would go for the Antique Sound Lab AQ1001 DT. It should have plenty of power. 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
Thanks Sksfreund! I always wondered why they say make sure the spikes are locked in when it can't be level and locked in. If you know what I mean... 
Using Bad Recording to Evaluate a System
I think TVAD said it best. My goal is to listen to what was recorded, not to remix the highs with my system and make it sound more warm and fuzzy. I still enjoy bad recordings even though my system doesn't hide the bad aspects. I tend to take well...