
Responses from robm321

Sonos turns your house into an ipod
They should have an audiogon light for all these tech gadgets. This used to be an audiophile forum. Now it's Cnet. I have a mobile mp3 player and shure headphones, but don't tweak the hell out of it. It's sound is ok. And that's all to expect. It'... 
SACD/CD Question
Not all SACDs sound good. So, I'm sure the CD layer would have the same quality respectively. The CD layer would not be worse than a typical redbook. It should be the same. 
Benchmark DAC1
The Sony XA777ES is a great SACD player and transport. I got mine used and modded for $1,500. Good luck 
Yet another "battle of the formats"
Why assume the next format will sound better? And who says either will catch on with the general public since SACD and DVD-A didn't work except for us audio nuts. Get a good redbook player and a good TT and live in peice, unless you enjoy the drama. 
EchoBuster products, Does anybody use them?
Also consider realtraps. They are reasonable, but very intrusive to a room. 
Has anyone reviewed cables for the iPod?
You could plug a clock radio into David Wilsons system and it would sound good. I agree. It's convenient but not a high end product. 
EchoBuster products, Does anybody use them?
I think they work great. My dealer uses them. But only if your into dropping a lot of money. To treat my room with Echo Busters, the cost would be around $5k. I chose diy. 
Any Sarah Brightman fans here?
I definately like her voice. I second "time to say goodbye". Not the best sonics but it is my favorite of hers. She is accompanied by several male singers that are all very talented to say the least. 
Absorption or diffusion????
A quote from a smarter guy then me "For someone with a very small budget, making the rear wall of a room totally dead may be the only solution. At least that gets rid of flutter echoes between the front and rear wall, though at the expense of soun... 
Another sign SACD is dying
Jayctoy must you drag this skeleton thread out of the closet. Ben we or I anyway still enjoy your input. It would be boring if everyone had the same opinion. Flaming arrows don't hurt as bad on a forum as they do in person. Just good old debating ;) 
Transport to accompany DAC
I think a great deal is the Sony XA777ES. I bought mine used and modded for $1,500. It's a very good transport and happens to be a very good SACD as well if your interested. If not it's worth it just as a transport. 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
Gotcha. Wow tough decision. Reimyo would be a must audition then if you can. $12k is a lot to be dropping just based on our opinion. I guess if you buy used you could always sell it if you change your mind. I've never heard it, but everyone (indlu... 
Absorption or diffusion????
I think either would do the trick. But absorbtion is much easier and cheaper. 
Good for Apple. Pamper's hit gold with their diapers, but what's that got to do with us? I prefer sound over interface. Which one sounds the best? 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
I just mentioned the $17k since the thread is CDP under $12k. I know I'm being anal, but I'm guessing $12k was NO1willfan's budget limit.