
Responses from robm321

No headphone output....options???
dedicated headphone amp is a must for good sound. Use the tape out. 
Back into analog
Welcome home! Can't wait to see the pic's 
Name three of yours the most favourite drummers
1)Neil Peart2)John Bonham 3)??? 
Richard Green room tune?
Trelja, Shoe thanks for the info. I made some up with foil as the reflector and with fiberglass. It made an improvement,however, I also have heard that fiberglass (condensed, especially) was not ideal. The ones I made were more to see if it was wo... 
i want better sounding speakers
Congratulations! I remember when I finally realized that I just wanted stereo and gave up on all the crap you need for home theater. I mean how much detail do you need to extract from a Holleywood soundtrack? Most of the sound effects are done in ... 
Are silver cables best for my system????
I've noticed the same as Jmcgrogan2. My silver cables were very detailed, but a little bright. I always go with copper now. But I like warm and fuzzy. 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
Isn't the Reimyo CDP777 $17k? 
Cary 303/300 or Modwright Platinum NS999ES
I think that's a good choice. I think even a quality new cd player will have a tough time matching a modded machine of about the same price range. I've also heard that the Cary 303/300 wasn't much of any improvement over the 303/200 considering th... 
Why is Apple everything. Is it the one that sounds the best? 
Richard Green room tune?
I look forward to the results. I have a few questions. What are you going to use for the reflective side? Is the carded wool better than condensed fiberglass? What is the purpose of life? (sorry got carried away) 
NPR, Wine Tasteing, & Audiophiles
"It is only if a wine consistently performs well at shows and events over a period of time that one can draw conclusions" - johangrbAre you sure this wasn't an excuse to drink more. "I'm not an alcoholic, I'm just being thorough with my wine tests... 
Von Schweikert VR-4 GEN.III SE -VS- VR-4 JR?
I agree with just about everyone here. I've heard them both in the same system. 
Richard Green room tune?
Pardon my horrible grammer and spelling by the way. 
tube amp will drive von schweikert VR4-jr?
The DB99 would be great and require much less power. Good luck. I hope you get them. Thanks for the info on the BAT. I will most likely go that route in the future. Oh, yeah I pulled a little dislexia with the impedance. 
Richard Green room tune?
The energy IS the problem. Especially when you have brightness sticking an icepick in your brain when someone hits a high note. If that's the case, which it is for me, nothing else matters. I've been listening to headphones. Redirecting energy wou...