
Responses from robm321

Coping in an Age of Uncertainty
Just wondering - has there ever been an age of certainty? 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
As you can see everyone agrees on the exact same CD player (sarcasm). That's why a question like "what's the absolute best" really can't be answered since everyone has different preferences. 
What's your profession? Age?
Yes "lasers" 
Does soundproofing improve or harm sound?
Sound proofing is different, and I would "assume" that it wouldn't help the sound out in the way you would want it to. It might just make it so you can listen as loud as you want without bothering anyone else. I hear that sound proofing is incredi... 
Suddenly, things are sounding awful...
My system which I'm very happy with sat idle while I listened to my headphones because I moved to a new place and the brightness made it unlistenable. Seriously, now tell me what's improtant?BUT, I can't hardly blame people for not knowing what to... 
does anybody still listen
What feels most comfortable to me is rock and heavy metal (old heavy metal, which by todays standards is more like easy listening). The new metal has just become rediculous kid stuff (to me anyway, IMHO), but getting into classical and jazz for th... 
room setup
Sorry, I did read the post backwards. It makes sense now. I'm with everyone else. A blanket works good (thick) for listening sessions. Although, I tend to accept the lack of soundstage in order to watch tv while listening sometimes. 
What's your profession? Age?
35, I sell lasers for PIV. 
hard 's'
You probably have flutter echo. High end gear (most of the new stuff) doesn't suffer from basic problems like that. Your room is probably bright because of too many reflection. Welcome to acoustic hell. 
room setup
I'm not disagreeing with anyone, but I'm confused about how a tv would have a negative effect on low frequencies since it seems to ubiquitous. I would think the high freq. would cause the problems?? 
What concerts have your kids dragged you to?
I don't know, but I'm 35 and my sister who is 50 is dragging me to see Black Label Society. I like Zach Wylde, but I'm just not into the modern heavy metal which is just making a deep grunting sound over and over. 
Eighth Nerve Room Pack Acoustic Room Treatment
This is an old post, but I wanted to thank you for the review. It was helpful. I'm guessing the Michael Green would be the same difference. At the price, it almost makes it not worth it to DIY, since it's sooo reasonable compared to the thousands ... 
Eighth Nerve Room Pack Acoustic Room Treatment
This is an old post, but I wanted to thank you for the review. It was helpful. I'm guessing the Michael Green would be the same difference. At the price, it almost makes it not worth it to DIY, since it's sooo reasonable compared to the thousands ... 
Question for classical lovers
Brownsfan has some good advice. That was the problem that I had. I went through some equipment changes and still had a certain frequency (high freq.) that would drive an ice pick through my ear so to speak. Room treatment is pretty difficult, but ... 
whats the biggest mistake you made?
My biggest mistake was not taking room treatment into consideration. I got to the point where I enjoyed listening to my Grado RA-1, RS-1 combo more than my (retail about $15k+)system because of the harsh brightness in my room. Get a good sounding ...