
Responses from robm321

How does a Headphone amp work . Where to start ?
The grace is a great option. If you don't want to throw the full $3k and get tramendous synergy use the Grado RS-1 with the Grado RA-1. You might also want to get flat pads if the high frequencies bother you. All for about $1k - the synergy with t... 
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??
Nothing will beat vinyl. It's been 100+ years and it is still King. 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Finally, someone who doesn't have Wilson in their pocket telling the truth. Stereophile and TAS are obviously interested in keeping the advertising $ rolling in. Overpriced! 
seperates over integrated. Why?
No Stanhifi - you've done nothing but restated what I said earlier that there is a benefit to having seperate power supplies, but other than rehashing what I said and saying who's right and who's wrong you didn't really help us understand anything... 
Best SS Amp with tight clean bass
I don't think you'll be able to tighten the bass up with cables and amps - not significatly anyway. You might mess around with placement. 
VPI Scoutmaster Belt...Is Your's Still Going???????
Mine is 3 years old and no problem on the VPI Scout (not master) 
seperates over integrated. Why?
I agree the individual power supply is a plus, however, given the other factors I don't see why integrates should be second best. I think it's a cultural thing. Audiophiles feel inferior with integrateds. I went from seperates to integrated, and I... 
VPI Scout w/ JMW-9 vs Aries w/ JMW-10
I use my Scout with Dynavector 17d2 mk2 (something or other)around $700 - It's about the highest I will go without getting another table, but it actually works with the VPI. It will give you much better tansient response and detail. 
Best headphones you've ever heard/used
The in ear stuff sounds good, but anyone that isn't traveling should try them somehow first, because it is difficult to get the seal right. One time I tried to pull it out, and I felt serious pain in the eardrum. My ear was sore all night. I use s... 
Cary 303, ModWright Sony 999ES, 33 & 45 Vinyl
Donbellphd, I also prefer my modded Sony over my Cary CD player, but I like vinyl over both. It just sounds "real" - and that's compared to regular speed - for 45rpm even more so. The comparison is not something that can be measured. Just differen... 
Aural assault?
Quality isn't an issue except to peope like us generally. Just look how MP3 has taken off. Perceived quality, now that's a market. Bose is doing well. Apple is good at it too. 
Best cartridge under $800 for Graham 2.2
Dynavector Karat 
How often should you re-calibrate your ears?
I went to a concert in SF this weekend (jazz). It made me realize that my system wasn't sounding as "bright" as I thought. The concert hall and live music sounded a bit harsh and when I closed my eyes the instruments weren't localized at all. Mora... 
Time to upgrade CD transport and/or DAC?
I don't think you could go wrong with any of the ones you mentioned. But since you already have the transport and digital cable, I think you'd benefit from an upgraded DAC.There is a lot of info on DACs in these forums. Good luck! Happy upgrading... 
Suggest a tube integrated for me . .
I am happy with the ASL AQ1001DT with stock tubes. I will upgrade the input tubes later on. But for the price it gives the best attributes to solid state and tubes.