
Responses from rlwainwright

Best speaker for small room?
Yep, Gallo Ref.3 will fit the bill VERY nicely...-RW- 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
Yes, Gallo Ref. 3s do what you want - crystal clear with no hardness. One of the best tweeters ever made...-RW- 
Yep, I do. Replaced a Denon 3910. Slightly better picture than the Denon, sound is about the same, which is very good. I'm quite happy with the purchase...-RW- 
Driven to Tears
The Pink Floyd song "Wish You Were Here" does this to me, every time. And it doesn't make any difference what the playback system is. It reminds me of my (late) brother Stevie. He loved Pink Floyd and I dearly loved him. Stevie, I truly Wish You W... 
new nine inch nails for free download
Well, I downloaded The Slip and I can see why he's giving it away. There sure isn't anything there that I would pay for...Nice gesture, though!-RW- 
More Questions For The Speaker Experts...
The L65s - they are terrific speakers and quite elegant looking.-RW- 
Surround Sound Pre-Amp
If you'd like to have a new pre-pro with good sound and a 5 year warranty, you should definitely check out the Emotiva MMC-1. They are on sale right now for $699 + shipping. Go to their website and take a look - I think you'll find it to be a bett... 
Tube-Friendly Less Than or Equal to 2k
You owe it to yourself to consider/audition the Gallo Reference 3s - there are two pairs on Agon right now for less than $1600. Fellow Audiogoner Dave P. is driving his with a 30W SET as I recall and the sound is spectacular. Very deep soundstage,... 
AER Pisces MkIII what have I done?
Hey, for $300 you got some nice speakers. Fire 'em up and sit back and enjoy...-RW- 
Longest continuous playing songs
Yep, the Steve Kimock band was a good choice! I've seen that band do 1 hour "songs" during a 3.5 hour show. I can't believe how long these guys can play, Kimock must have some VERY strong hands/fingers!-RW- 
Have you noticed that...
Have you ever noticed that once you find what you are looking for, you stop ooking for it? And that this thing you were looking for is ALWAYS in the last place you looked?Funny how that is, isn't it?-RW- 
Afraid of too much bass...
"You see, my problem is trying to come up with solutions for problems that might or might not arise."No, your problem is worrying about things before you know if there is a problem. This is not life and death. Chill out, put your gear in the new r... 
Has anybody listened to the new Doors LP set yet?
No LP here, but I do have the "Perception" DVD/CD box set - wow, does this ever sound GOOD! I bet the vinyl is outstanding.-RW- 
Subwoofer- 10" or 12" for music only system?
I'm using a 10" Earthquake MK-IV to good effect in my system (music and home theater). As I recall, I paid $275 new in box/delivered from a fellow Audiogoner. Yes, I got a *great* deal, but I'm sure you could find similar here if you're patient.-RW- 
how do you deal with heavy power cords?
SlipKnot's suggestion seemed the best/easiest...-RW-