
Responses from rlwainwright

Receptacle on floor?
I would think that the floor mounted receptacle would result in a "slower" sound from your system. Think about it, all those electrons have to go uphill in order to get to your equipment...-RW- 
Get a nice integrated amp, plenty of NADs on Audiogon to be had. Mate that to an Oppo 980 DVD/CD player and you'd have a killer ystem within your budget.If you want to go very minimalist, just gat an NAD amp and connect the Oppo directly to it - t... 
System advice
"I do know it's lacking compared to higher end setups I have heard but again, nothing I can enumerate."You have a serious problem. If you cannot describe what your system is lacking, how can you expect to fix it? As a first step, you might conside... 
speakers/turntable for Marantz 2325
The Phono input on the Marantz is built to handle a moving magnet (MM) type cartridge. A moving coil (MC) cartridge requires an MC phono preamp. MC cartridges have lower output than MM cartridges, therefore the MC phono preamp has to boost the car... 
speakers/turntable for Marantz 2325
Hi, me again [smile]! I would be remiss if I didn't throw in a plug for my current speakers, Gallo Reference 3.1. These have a very small footprint (less than many stand-mounted speakers) and will generally out-perform any stand-mounted speaker at... 
speakers/turntable for Marantz 2325
Hello,And welcome to our world! If I were in your shoes, I think I would re-order my priorities a little bit. If you have $3k to spend, you might want to consider this arrangement:1) Get a good turntable and cartridge, but not a VPI. There is a De... 
bldg system starting with Gallo Ref 3.1
I'm running my Gallo Ref 3.1s with Harman/Kardon separates - Signature 2.0 and Signature 2.1 The Gallos LOVE this setup, they really respond well to high-current amplifiers and the H/K has oodles of current (+- 100 amps!).I bought both pieces used... 
NAD C372 & Gallo Ref 3.1
I own the Ref 3.1s and have had NAD gear for many years in the past. I believe this would be a very good match - the NAD amps have plenty of current and very good headroom. The Gallos should work quite well with that amp, they love a high-current ... 
Help me spend $5,000 on a 5.1 speaker system
Go Gallo all-around. Ref. 3.1s up front with a Ref AV Center and 2 Ref Avs in the rear. Complement with the Gallo woofer and you're set. Purchased off Audiogon should put you in the $5k ballpark...-RW- 
best amp to drive Gallo 3.1's?
Dave Pogue's setup sounds truly marvelous, it's amazing what those little amps (with the BIG transformers) can do. I'm driving my Gallos with an H/K Signature 2.1 amp. The Gallos really like to see a LOT of current. The H/K fits that bill nicely w... 
CD Player with volume control that does not reset
All the Oppo DVD/CD players have a volume control that doesn't change unless you do so...-RW- 
My Setup - Room Treatment Suggestions?
If there is any way to move that table and equipment that are sitting out in front of the TV it would probably help. The room loOks pretty live, I'd be trying to "soften" it up a bit using thick wall-hangings, etc.Good luck, looks like a nice syst... 
Which amp to Bi-amp my Maggie 20.1
Drive the bass panels with the bigger amp, they require more wattage than the mids/tweets.-RW- 
Review: Mapleshade Heavyfeat/Heavyhats Tweak
This is not a review, more like an advertisement. There is no mention of how you used the product nor any measurements to back up your claims. And lest someone jump on me about using my ears to do the measuring, how on Earth does the author seriou... 
REVIEW: McCormack MAP-1 six-channel preamp
Wow, an *honest* review for a change, bravo! And by honest, I mean you tell us all of your impressions, bad as well as good. Far too many of these "reviews" are simply self-congratulatory puff pieces.And, based upon your review, I have intention w...