
Responses from rlwainwright

Review: Ming Da MC-2A3 Tube preamp
Damn, Sam, that read like a detective novel! You, clearly, are DEEP into this stuff - you lost me at the Vitamin Q gumdrops, but I plowed thru nonetheless. Great write-up! Duct tape, heh, heh! You should be getting paid money for this stuff...-RW- 
Jazz on PBS HD
This would have been good information to have a month ago. By now most of the eposides have aired...Thanks anyway!-RW- 
Optical Digital Interface - Good or Bad?
Don't worry about it, for all intents and purposes they are equal...-RW- 
Is it worth expanding into Vinyl???
Save your time and money. You'd be better served by investing in improving the sound quality of your listening room. In any case, IIRC, the Outlaw does not have a phono preamp, so you'd need to budget for that.Frankly, you already have a very nice... 
how to evaluate comp stand w/o inhome auditions?
Don't stress out over this. Providing you are using one of the better-made and engineered racks, the rack has a minimal impact on the sound. Your time, and money, would be better spent ensuring that your room's acoustics are as good as they can be... 
Should I try the Cambridge Audio 640p?
I'm using a Gram Slee Gram Amp 2 with my phono rig and enjoy it quite a bit. Keep an eye out for other Gram Slee phono preamps, they are very highly regarded by those in the know...-RW- 
Best Budget 2 Channel?? Music Hall a25.2 or Outlaw
Keep an eye out for Emotiva products. Like Outlaw, they are an Internet-only seller. Their price/performance ratio is VERY high and I find their products to be much more attractive than equivalent Outlaw products.I have made several purchases from... 
Cartridge/Phono-Pre Break-in?
Doug's advice is good. However, it sounds to me like you have something terribly amiss. If it truly sounds like an AM radio, something, somewhere, is not connected properly. Cartridges and phono pre's DO require a break-in, but I've never heard on... 
integrated or pre with ht pass for paradigm 100
Why not just use the the HT system's pre-processor and amp to drive the Paradigms? Most pre-pros will allow you to choose Stereo as one of the surround sound modes. I am doing exactly this with my HK Signature 2.0 pre-pro and Signature 2.1 5 chann... 
Basic Question about Power Cables
On the back of your amp it should state the voltage and current draw - it should say something like "120 V 15 A". V = Volts, A = Amps.It may, alternatively, have something like "120 V, 600 Watts". Since Watts = Volts * Amps, divide the Watts by th... 
Metro shelving for your audio gear?
I had no idea what you were writing about, Google to the rescue !! I use this type of shelving in my garage, got a good deal on some units that were being offered for sale during a store's closing.I suspect it would be quite adequate for most any ... 
windows media player questions
As long as you're using a lossless codec you should be fine. Why not try a little experiment and rip to a lossless format yourself? Then play it back, A-B'ing it against the original file. I am quite satisifed with FLAC, and I can hear no differen... 
which output for best sound/cd/monitor/dvd
You only have 2 choices when it comes to connecting your CD/DVD player to your rig: analog or digital. The analog inputs (usually marked as CD or DVD on the receiver) take the sound from the player *after* it has been converted to analog by the pl... 
Scratchy distortion on last tracks of CD
Mlsstl's suggestion to use Exact Audio Copy to burn a copy of the disc is wise counsel. Do it ASAP, the disc is not going to get better as time passes...-RW- 
Bi-wiring with different metals?
Why would the type of metal make any difference in the phase shift? I'm truly interested in knowing how this could be so...Thanks,-RW-