
Responses from rlwainwright

Word of advice on upgraditis improvements
One more plug here for Emotiva - check right here on Audiogon. There is an LMC-1 pre-pro along with a 7 channel (125W/per) amp for a total of $710 + shipping. This combo will *crush* your Denon, no contest...-RW- 
Word of advice on upgraditis improvements
Going to separates will give you a more dynamic, richer sound than you will typically get with a receiver. I have a non-HDMI home theater setup and it sounds terrific. I did as you suggest and ran the video via HDMI out to the HDTV and I use the p... 
Are upgraded power cables really worth the money?
Yes, power cords can make a positive difference. Is it a huge difference - no, it is subtle. Make sure your room is properly tuned and your speakers set up properly before you spend money on subtle tweaks like power cords. If you have not treated ... 
Doesn't anyone talk about CENTER SPEAKERS need 1
Go with B&W all-around. As others have said, the timbre matching is VERY important. Don't skimp here, you'll regret it...-RW- 
New speaker - the price is right :
That is pretty cool. This would be a fun project to do with younger kids. I think I'm gonna make up a set tonite after I get home from work. Then, I'll set 'em up next to my Gallos and have a speaker shootout [smile]...-RW- 
Unstable Imaging - Causes?
A headshell is the unit to which the cartridge is mounted. Some tonearms have detachable headshells, allowing for quick cartridge swaps using mutliple headshells.-RW- 
? about oppo
Yes, the Oppos really are that good. My $200 981 sounds every bit as good as my Denon 3910, originally a $1500 player. The new 983 has gotten rave reviews. I'll know this weekend, mine is being delivered this Friday - w00t!-RW- 
CD Player into amp?
The Oppos also have a variable output controlled by the remote. Mate one of those up to a good amp and you have the maknings of a very fine sounding system for cheap.-RW- 
How's this HT setup?
I strongly recommend you surf on over to Emotiva.com and check out their offerings. They have some killer pre-processors and amps. They also just released a full line of speakers and subs that have received excellent reviews.Mate one of their MMC-... 
CDP without volume control
Good cable can be had for surprisingly little money. IMHO, it is a waste of money to spend $100+ on interconnects. I've had very good results from some the following:The bargain favorites from MonoPrice:http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.as... 
HELP my HDTV System has noise and sudden pause
I know it takes some time for a DTS stream to be recognized and for the decoder to "kick in", perhaps that is what you are experiencing. You might want to check to see if there is an updated driver for the RealTek card, perhaps this issue has been... 
Cassette decks....reliability and build quality...
Denon and Yamaha decks were quite reliable. NADs had a spotty record. Naks are fussy and produce non-standard tapes. Tandbergs and B&Os sound awesome, but can be service nightmares.I'd go with Denon or Yanaha if I were you...-RW- 
Oppo 980H Bug
I have a 981 and it does not do that. As a work-around, you could copy the CD and add a 2 second silence at the beginning of track 1...-RW- 
The most important word of advise?
Don't let your wife or significant other dictate what you buy. They get to pick the drapes, furniture, etc. They have no business making audio-centric decisions. Be a manfor once in your life...-RW- 
What is under $5k speaker with best bass slam?
The Klipsch K-Horns always impressed the hell out of anyone who heard them for the first time. And the fact that a 25W/ch. amp could play them loud enough to make your ears bleed was the icing on the cake.We dubbed them the "Ultimate Lease Breaker...