
Responses from rlwainwright

Headphones: Preamp that has no headphone output
Connect one set of Pre-Outs to a headphone amp. Turn on headsphone amp. Insert headphone cable. Place headphones on head. Play music.-RW- 
Whats with the Watts ??
What speakers are you driving? No matter what, 50 watts/ch. should deliver satisfying volume if you are not a headbanger...-RW- 
Bi-wired vs Single Termination
Hey Smerlas,Check out my Goertz Bi-wires over on Videogon, great cables at a great price!http://cgi.videogon.com/cgi-bin/cl.pl?cablspkr&1210861200-RW- 
New Product......Intelligent Box
Dr. Marja and Dr. Henk? Christ, they'll give a degree to *anyone* in Holland! I know when I see their names at the top of a review, it's time to strap on the hip waders, the bullshit will flow deep and freely.And did you read the part at the end: ... 
Is it BAD to place CDP/DVP on top of RCVR?
Despite the hue and outcry I'm sure to hear, here's my advice - place the CDP on top of the receiver and monitor the situation. If the CDP or receiver seem to get too hot, take it off. It really isn't going to make much difference, sound-wise, des... 
Next step in upgrading my home theater system??
Give the Emotiva XPA-5 a serious look: 200W/ch. into 8 ohms all 5 channels driven. Price? $799 + shipping. has a 5 year, transferable warranty. It will improve mightily on your Yamaha's amps...BTW, Emotiva customer service is superb - I know from ... 
REL Subwoofer Cable Upgrade?
It *might* make a difference, but surely not $700 worth! Your money would be better spent on upgrading the sub with that $700. Keep in mind that a sub cable only needs to carry freq. from 150Hz on down.Don't waste your money on a cable...-RW- 
Ripping CD Question
I'm not sure why you're having trouble with EAC. Are the arias you wish to copy shown as separate tracks within EAC? If so, all you need to do is Ctrl+Click on the tracks you wish to copy and tthen choose Copy Selected Tracks from the Action menu.... 
Second failure of new amplifier
Replace the burned tubes with the stock units. See if the problem goes away. If it does, you're finished. Also, why is everyone so reluctant to provide the name of mfgrs. here? It isn't as though you said anything libelous.Give us the mfgrs. name,... 
Help: speakers or amp to blame?
You might as well do as the first respondent suggested and hook up your Acurus to your 9NTs. At least you will KNOW how the speakers sound with a beefier amp. If the equipment is too heavy for you, get your wife to do it - ba-da bing!-RW- 
Best video upscaling chip?
Google search: Oppo 983 video chip.Result: The video chip is high quality ABT, better than Farouja.Lots more out there, just use the search terms shown. Good luck!-RW- 
Looking for speakers with soundstage depth
>> So my question is what speakers under 2K (used) will provide what I'm looking for? <<Without a doubt, the Gallo Ref. 3s will do what you seek. And they are available for around $1600 right here on Audiogon...Where are you located? I... 
Jethro Tull...any cd's to stay away from?
Do you have a multi-channel system? If so, I can recommend some DTS versions of their most popular albums that sound pretty good: Thick As A Brick, Standup, Benefit, and A Passion Play. Auqalung doesn't sound so good. Contact me offlist if you are... 
center channel
I would recommend staying within the ML line and model, if possible, for the rear speakers. You will generally get a much smoother front-back transition by doing so. I know my (now) all-Gallo surround system benefited immensely when I replaced my ... 
OK, record is now clean, how about the Stylus?
Despite my earlier promise to walk away from this one, well here I go....Dan_Ed, I was not the one who "came out swinging". I believe that was you - read your first post to me, you called me a son of a bitch. If that isn't coming out swinging, I d...