
Responses from rlwainwright

Loud Humming.
If your TV is hooked up to a cable TV system, that may be your culprit. Try disconnecting the cable TV cable from the TV and see what happens...-RW- 
Ipod Into The Main System
Are you playing back lossy or lossless files? Also, why are you going thru the headphone amp into your main rig? Shouldn't you go iPod > DAC > Main rig? I'm sure I'm missing something here, please enlighten me...Thanks,-RW- 
SNEAK PEEK: Lansche 4.1 Loudspeaker
Every time I look at pictures of that speaker with the "glowing eye" in the tweeter I hear in my head "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave..."-RW- 
Pre/Power Amp suggestions for Revel Salon 2
My friend is using a Proceed AVP and Amp 5 to power his Salons, sounds terrific...-RW- 
Recommendations please...
Your problem is your room, and that's the problem you need to fix. As MajicJazz stated, you need to treat your room. Adding a nice Persian carpet to cover some of that hardwood floor would probably be a step in the right direction.If you simply MU... 
Receiver with preouts vs pre/pro
Mike, check your email - I have a unit that fits you to a T...-RW- 
Speakers for old 70s Marantz receiver?
The Mission speakers from the early to mid-80s would be a good match for that Marantz. IIRC, the model 770 was a very good speaker. I also liked the KEFs from around that time period, 103s would be an excellent monitor for you. Also consider the A... 
How often do you swap out equipment in general
I usually know what I want and I'm rarely in a hurry to get it. I'll typically start looking several months in advance of the purchase, and I almost always buy used. I put together my entire system, except the HDTV, from items purchased off Audiog... 
Seeking Warm Towers - under $1500.
If you can tolerate used speakers (it sure didn't bother me [smile]), it'd be hard to beat the Gallo Ref. 3s - see them on Audiogon for $1450-$1800. -RW- 
Anticables Review
Bless you, KontraBass, for offering an honest, un-varnished opinion. Too many times folks write how great everything now sounds and how much better their system is because they just bought XYZ cable (or interconnect, etc.)This indicates to me that... 
Good amp recommendation for My HT
Check out the Emotiva XPA-5, a beast of an amp (200 watts/ch.) at a phenomenal price, $799. Emotiva has superb customer service, and I speak from experience...http://emotiva.com/xpa5.html-RW- 
Help with Ohms and Bi-Amping...
It might matter. The easiest way to find out is to simply do it. If the amp is in distress, it will protect itself. Go for it...-RW- 
cantilever collapsed on Shure V-15 III
My bad, enter the phrase mentioned into Google's Search box...-RW- 
cantilever collapsed on Shure V-15 III
If you enter the following phrase (without quotes), you will have your answer:"Shure V15 Type III stylus"I would recommend that you do something similar to this the next time you have a question. Why bother anyone else when the information is so r... 
Second failure of new amplifier
>> The manufacturer's name transpires from the previous posts, so this thread is not a speculation. <<WHAT? Why don't you just come out and state, CLEARLY, the name of the Mfgr.? All you have done is waste our time and good will...-RW-