
Responses from rives

Opinions on the AirHead?
An airhead and a pair of etyomatic or sure in ear headphones are hard to beat for travelling. 
Anyone hear the Almarro room at HES 2004?
Yes, I listened to the room and was amazed. Apparently so were many of the writers for Stereophile as at least 2 of them pulled me aside and said you need to hear this room. I went before the show opened one morning and listened with no crowds and... 
LP To CD - Software & Equiptment
The Yamaha burners are really good. I have one that we use for mastering our Test CDs. They are under $300. As to the software CFB LP Ripper and LP Recorder are great. You may want to consider a high quality outboard sound card--just depending on ... 
Cryo is good for wine, too
I always thought it would be good for my teenager. About 6 or 7 years worth. After which, they discover: "hey, my parents really weren't that stupid." 
Radio Shack Sould Level Meter - Analog Meter
Sorry for the confusion between the call and the site. On the site we show and link to the new model as the old model is "no longer available" according to Radio Shack. We know that there are still 2050s in about 400 stores across the country. We ... 
Cara room simulator
It has a huge effect on reverberation times, but much less on frequency response. Your perception of the change in frequency will be very great--particularly when you absorb at the first reflection points (notice the simulator doesn't have positio... 
Realtraps versus Rives Audio Treatment Plan
I don't know why the link didn't work on the post. The link should be:http://www.rivesaudio.com/resources/links/frame.htmlAnd here is another attempt at creating the link properly.http://www.rivesaudio.com/resources/links/frame.html 
Realtraps versus Rives Audio Treatment Plan
Real Traps is owned by Ethan Winer. He is a musician and an acoustical engineer of over 30 years. He is knowledgeable and builds a product that works to the specifications he advertises. He would also admit, in acoustics, there is no "magic bullet... 
Radio Shack Sould Level Meter - Analog Meter
We've been in contact with Radio Shack over the last year. They informed us of the change over way before it was actually implemented. They even sent us the manual for review. However, what was missing was a unit for testing. We have one now, but ... 
Speakers for extremely close listening
For extremely close listening single driver speakers would be my choice. Speakers with multiple drivers require some space for those drivers to blend properly. I'm still trying to figure out Sures headphones with 2 drivers--expensive and supposedl... 
beware ipod
My son and wife have one. My son's has already been replaced by Apple. My wife's continuously locks up and usually just needs to sit away from the charger for a day and then it works again. 
Any good "how to" guides on parametric EQ?
You might consider downloading the manual for our parametric. It's very clear on how these work and how they should be set up. This is a link to the PARC pages, you will see on the left hand menu column a link to download the manual. It's a pdf fi... 
critical listening - i hear something i don't like
First, I should say with so little information, my comment may not apply--but it well could. Almost any system can "outplay" the room. As you turn it up the energy held in the room is too great relative to the direct sound--the result is a loss of... 
PC Software converts 16/44 to 24/96 format
To the best of my knowledge wav files are not compressed in any way. Thus if you had a sound card that was higher than 16/44 you could then convert the better format and save that information. I'm really a novice in this area--but I've considered ... 
External sound device vs PCI soundcard
External is definitely better. We use an external ESI U24 for our acoustical measurements. The noise floor is much lower this way--even on a battery operated laptop. I'm not familiar with the one you mentioned, but I would expect it would be super...