
Responses from rives

OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ?
I'm going to contact Steve Clay of Audiogon. There is a lot of stuff we have in our closets, and a lot of it is worth something--not a lot, but something. Collectively, it's probably worth a lot. I think it would be great if we could give this stu... 
Test Equipment
We have 2 sets of test equipment. Sean is right--with a laptop you can now have near the power of analyzers in the tens of thousands for less than $1000. Both our test kits require a laptop computer (PC only). The professional version is used by a... 
Audiophile USB to PCM
The PARC + is available. The PARC + is slightly--but only slightly backlogged at this point. We are shipping, and catching up on demand. We should be in good shape within only a few weeks (I hope--if people would quit ordering them it would be a l... 
How should I treat window behind listening chair?
Blackout has less, considerably less absorption coefficient due to the black out foil, however, the foil does create some diffusion. So it's not really a one is better vs the other, it depends on the room and placement. 
Audiophile USB to PCM
Hbrandt: Glad to hear it worked well. I guess I better try doing some audiophile stuff with it as well. I've been thinking about doing a WAV, non compressed music server with this as the D/A. Sounds like it would be really good. As to buying it el... 
How should I treat window behind listening chair?
Heavy honeycomb cellular shades is a reasonable compromise in many cases. 
Room Treatments, When are they required?
I think of any system being as good as it's weakest link in many respects. The room is like a component--possibly the most important one. If you have a good system, you need a good room. If you have a bose wave radio, well that will work fine in y... 
Audiophile USB to PCM
The U24 is really great. It is a professional piece of equipment and I have not used it for music reporduction--only for state of the art measurements. I was looking forward to your report as well and I'm glad it turned out to be favorable. Now I ... 
Audiophile USB to PCM
The ESI U24 that we sell as part of our Professional test kit is 24 bit 96kHz and has SPDIF out as well as analog out. Might work very well for what you are trying to do. 
nautilus 801 bass accuracy
Hopefully our resource section can help you. Be sure to read up on room modes and use the room simulator. If you find you have a serious room mode issue you may need something like the PARC--but be sure to try all other avenues such as speaker pla... 
How about for LAPTOPs?
We use a 24 bit 96 kHz sound card for our professional test kits. It has digital in and out SPDIF. I have not used it for music listening, but it is fantastic for our measurements.Rives Software, Test and Measurement You'll see it listed on the le... 
recommendation of a sound level meter
Dmitrydr: I'm not sure if I know the answer to your question as we have not tested an external mic. However, I can tell you this much:1. The majority of the correction is for the C weighted circuitry. The remaining is for the fact that this C weig... 
What's the chances of this Let me explain :
The RF will have no effect on your problem. The RF is simply a relay to it's base. You will still have the same issue unfortunately. 
Not for a symmetrical room. In fact if you read Todd Welte and Floyd Toole's paper on subwoofers, you will find that placing two directly opposed to each other has a very interesting effect on standing waves. Where the peaks would normally occur t... 
recommendation of a sound level meter
The full corrections are published in our instructions for use manual. If you go to our software page and download the instructions for our Test CD, there is a chart that gives the RS values. This was for the older 2050 analog meter. We have done ...