
Responses from rives

Inactive speakers in the room...any effect?
Eldartford asks: "If this is so, why don't the room treatment merchants design a box with a passive radiator?" Well they have. It's called Modex made by RPG. Different volumes and front material determine the frequency. With the speaker design, it... 
Electronic crossover recommendations
Most have been mentioned but I will give you my take on it. The Marchand is a superb value. If you want lower cost then the RANE is very good. I purchased a Bryston and love the unit. I tried a Krell and did not care for it. It was rather noisy--t... 
Amp advice for large great room
I recently had a client buy a pair of Levinson Reference 20.5 monoblocks for about $3600. I think it was here on Audiogon. He asked me what I thought--I said buy them. I really liked the 20 series (including the 27 stereo amp) amplifiers and for t... 
How can I improve Apple iTunes through my system?
I would recommend either a high-end sound card, like the ESI U24. It's external USB and works with MACs and PCs. The other option would be to send the SPDIF signal to a high end DAC. The later would probably be the best (you can spend a good $10k ... 
Why Do Martin Logan Speakers Lack Dynamic Energy?
Dynamics is a function of moving air rapidly. Your perception is correct. I too had the same concern--I also own a pair of Monoliths that have been modified (a lot). First, a large planar such as a monolith can absolutely move a lot of air rapidly... 
LEDE does anyone subscribe to this?
I subscribe to the DELE. Basically the LEDE was very good for studios that used it correctly. However, it's not good for home listening and doesn't work particularly when you are not doing nearfield monitoring. However, having a live end behind th... 
Electrostatic speaker placement
The CARA software has dipole planers as a standard. It does use the "figure 8" dispersion pattern. We sell this software so I'm probably biased, but I do think it's a fabulous value.There's more info on it at this page:Rives software  
Will storing used speakers for 1 year damage it?
I hope not, I have some that have been in storage for a year. Climate control is the best way to store--you don't want radical humidity or temperature changes. Also, when you do get the speakers out you will have to break them in much like a new p... 
Mark Levinson 390S
If I'm not mistaken the DAC can handle DVD-A, thus with a different transport you could send it the DVD-A data stream. I'm not completely sure about this, you may want to call Madrigal. 
insuring vinyl
USAA is awesome--if you can get them do. I have never worked with an insurance company that was so compitent. Yes, they insure vinyl and I didn't even have to take a rider out because they were collectable. The value was inside my home owners insu... 
recommendation of a sound level meter
I will be checking out the IVIE33 at CEDIA. I've contacted them and they said they will give demonstrations there. It does look pretty interesting. I have examined the audio toolbox. We considered it as substitute for our test kits, but upgradabil... 
seeking a sound consultant in New York Area
Dean: That's good of you to offer to help, but please don't spread the rumor that room treatment means aesthetic compromises. While it's true it CAN, and often does because so many people have been led to believe that strange shaped foam works bet... 
recommendation of a sound level meter
There's really big gap in this area. You can go with Radio Shack for $30, or with something like Sencore for $2000+ (very accurate and very flexible). The Radio Shack does have non-linearities, but oddly enough it is very reproducible from unit to... 
seeking a sound consultant in New York Area
Kjl: It's true our headquarters are not in New York. However, we provide our services nationwide and even worldwide through our dealers. Our dealers take the measurements with our acoustical test kits and then we do the analysis and design and wor... 
Room Treatments added, with negative effects..
Acoustics can be tricky. Actual acoustical measurements can make a tremendous difference in designing a room, but even without them if the room is basic (rectangular and no openings) then basic math and experience can yield a good result. SD's adv...