
Responses from rives

klipsch speakers,be honest
I owned Heresey's and La Scalas. I loved them. But my tastes changed. They never had the detail and micro dynamics I wanted. Thus I moved to something that did--almost the opposite end of the spectrum--Electrostatics (great imaging, great micro-dy... 
Genesis Subwoofer
I think it was called the 12b or something like that. I owned one--it was really good for the price. 
Can a Classic Speaker be better ?
I think the old Klipsch are a good example. The magnets in the originals (when Paul Klipsch ran the company) were considerably larger and the speakers sounded much better. 
Comparison of Elrod, shunyata, and NBS powercords
Yes, thank you for this. Now I would like to know why the Elrod signature II affected the Sony and the Statement did not "distinguish" itself there. Maybe David knows. The other big surprise was that the statement was not a big step over the signa... 
One big subwoofer or two weaker subwoofers?
There are so many issues to consider here. What is the cross-over point? What are the room modes like (2 subs make cancellation of problematic modes much easier)? Is it 2 channel or multi-channel? Here is a link to a paper we wrote on loudspeaker ... 
PC as an analyzer
You might be interested in our test kits and software that is used for this purpose. It has it's own built in generator and loops through one of the channels in you sound card--so you don't need a really great sound card to get good measurements. ... 
I could use some jazz mentoring.
Well--I'm going to recommend some DVDs--and they aren't even DVD-A or some other music only. Ken Burns--Jazz. This was originally broadcast on PBS. I am not an expert in jazz--I love it, but I do not know the history and want to have the connectio... 
Room acoustics simulation
In the full version you can use dipoles, such as Maggies. In the "quick" version they are limited to a number of speakers, but the list is increasing. 
Room acoustics simulation
This is the same simulation program we use on our site as well. Room Simulator It's very good for simple rectangular rooms. Positional frequency response changes below 500 Hz, and can really be helpful in determining where some of the bass peaks a... 
Good, mid-price tuner?
I'll second the Magnum Dynalab. I have an FT-11 that I think I paid less than $400 for. Very simple tuner--but great sound--really great for $400. 
I have a confession to make
Audiophilia is a highly contageous disease as classified by the CDC (Center for Disease Control - more well spent tax dollars). You may want to seek help, but by all means do not spend time with others interested in music, stereo, or home theaters... 
Boomy bass in home theater room
This is kind of the poster child room for the PARC (Parametric Adaptive Room Compensation). You have a very high Q factor peak, and no amount of room treatment is going to deal with problems in that low frequency range except for one very large an... 
Talon speakers and Spectron amps?
I'm using a pair of Cary 40 M signature monoblocks. I'm going to be replacing them pretty soon with another tube amp, that is based on a KT-88 design rather than the EL 34. In my office, which is not terribly large, the Hawks do not need very much... 
Listening room in Attic or Living room???
Perhaps we can be of help--at least to this thread. We firmly believe that education in acoustics is the first step, whether you hire a professional group like ours to do the work, or you are the DIY type. Here is a link to our "acoustical classro... 
that studio'ish sound
Onhwy covered it mostly. Recording engineers are looking for detail--not the ambience that most audiophiles are. In a typical listening room 50% of the total sound field can come from indirect or reverberant sound. In a studio, it's less than 10%....