
Responses from rhljazz

Love Audio Love Cars
Nope. I did sell my classic MGB twenty years ago for a down payment on my house and I never regretted that. I usually listen to my audio system about three hours a day which I find more enjoyable than being stuck in traffic three hours a day no ma... 
MM Cartridge Comparison
The Ortofon would be my choice. Also consider the OM20 for the table you are using. 
scout or new amp
I agree with the other posts, go with an amp upgrade. 
What's under YOUR turntable?
A Townsend Seismic Sink spiked with aluminum cones to brass cups sitting on a Deluxe Justarack. The turntable is a Technics SL10. 
used sony or modified music hall
I currently own a 608esd, x7esd, and a 779es, and all are very reliable. The 608 I purchased new and it has over 7000 hrs on it with no repairs and it functions flawlessly. The other two players I purchased used and the x7 had an inoperative drawe... 
Please, help me choose speakers for my Graaf GM200
I listened to a dealer demo with Sound Lab electrostatic speakers, don't remember the model number, that was stunning. It was the best I've heard from any electrostatic speaker amp combination. The sound was very dynamic and detailed without the e... 
Tube poweramp for B&W Nautilus for under 2k?
Tonal balance will change dramatically with tube choice. I purchased my PA100 used and it came with VAC chinese KT88's and RT driver tubes and the sound was basically big, fat, warm tubey bass, a nice mid, not much air on top, but for the music I ... 
Tube poweramp for B&W Nautilus for under 2k?
The PA100 has plenty of power to drive the Nautilus speakers. I prefer it over any solid state amps I've tried or heard in other N802 systems. You didn't mention which series you are using so anything up to an N801 should be fine. Tube selection i... 
Speakers needed for VAC amp/preamp
I share some of your musical tastes listening to mostly 60's jazz and 70's-80's rock and I have a PA100/100 with a VAC Renaissance preamp powering Nautilus 802's. I always hear on this forum how power hungry the 802's are but I find the VAC with 1... 
My Cary 2A3 dilemma 2
You are definitely mismatched. You will need at least 70+ watts to drive a speaker with that many drivers and an amp that is also load tolerant preferably with low impedance taps. You would be best off with an efficient 2-way speaker that has a fa... 
looking for a chair
I use a highback chair in my main system and a lowback couch in my second system and I don't find any sonic drawbacks. I do favor the comfort of the highback chair. I used a Lazboy chair in the past that was covered in a soft fabric and replaced t... 
Mark Levinson 360S & use of both RCA and balanced
I believe that both ouputs are active all the time so there will be no problem using both routed to different preamps. I use my Sony player in this configuration. 
What amp to match with Conrad Johnson Premier 16/2
Your best bet would be to stay in the CJ family especially if you really like your preamp. The PS HCA2 is sonically way below the quality of your other components. So, that leaves you with the Gamut from your original either/or. 
hum Being caused by ??
I wasn't talking about lifting the power cord grounds. My preamp has a toggle switch right at the XLR connector to change the grounding arrangement for either "truly differential balanced" or just a plain "balanced" operation. I would suggest you ... 
equipment interface to rack tweaks
My rack has the optional brass spikes but I have never seen the threaded rods or hardware in brass.