
Responses from rgs92

Leave Passive DAC On All The Time?
Leave on all solid state equipment all the time (unless there is a lightning storm or some other overriding reason). 
Rowland JRDG 501 and Wilson Audio
Just another 2-cents here--The last I heard the Watt Puppies was at the NY HE show in '07, and although much smoother than my WP6 setup, I still could not relax when vocals (female ones) were playing. There is some low-level annoyance factor with ... 
Rowland JRDG 501 and Wilson Audio
Those were WP6's way back in 1999. By the way, I owned them with a Pass X350 and they sounded tizzy. 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
Thanks for that. Sorry the review is not that polished, I just sat down and typed what came into my head with minimal editing.No, I don't plan on using a computer or other digital sources; I'll just be using it conventionally. I just want it to be... 
Rowland JRDG 501 and Wilson Audio
For what it's worth, the only times I heard the Watt Puppies sound really nice and smooth was with Levinson 33Hs andTransparent cable at the old Soundex in Pennslyvania.I think the preamp was Levinson also.Otherwise they sound scratchy to me. 
3-d sounding headphones.....
Grado GS1000s have a big, open sound with lots of depth. 
Verity Audio Parsifal vs. Aerial 10T
I have to say I miss my 10Ts. They didn't do all the audiophile sleights of hand, but the relaxing ease of all musical components (EVEN ON BAD RECORDINGS) makes you (well me, at least) want to listen forever. It heals the wounded recordings like a... 
16K to Spend. Help me make the end all Upgrade.
Aerial 10Ts can spoil you because you can pretty muchplop them anywhere and get a friendly sound withouttoo much boom/sizzle/glare/shrieking/etch or other audio 4-letter-words. Wilsons and others take a lot more care.I mention this because I also ... 
Tube Rolling 12AX7 - Need Advice/Suggestions
Brendan Biever of tubeworld.com recommended and sold me somegreat 12au7 and 5687 tubes for my preamp/headphone amp.They made a world of difference from the stock tubes.Much more liquid and alive and relaxed at the same time. 
Single-wire spades from amp to biwire spkr posts?
OK, thanks for that again. 
Single-wire spades from amp to biwire spkr posts?
Yep, it is conceptually messy as long as thing come together at any point, but I'm no electrical engineer here. I was told to avoid internal biwired cables. Any thoughts? Thanks. 
Single-wire spades from amp to biwire spkr posts?
Mitch--thanks for all that info! I do have the Cardas jumpers,so I'll try those. I know that there are several discussions here about how to orient the jumpers, and with my former Von Schwiekert speakers I had better results with the stacked spade... 
Single-wire spades from amp to biwire spkr posts?
Thanks for that Sfar. I may look into that with my Cardas GR. 
Single-wire spades from amp to biwire spkr posts?
Thank you for that. I will do some more research.From the photos I looked at on some major cable websites,I only saw biwired cables with 4-wires on each end of each cable. I didn't see an internal biwire option,or any distinction between bi-amping... 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
To my ears, the best melding of liveness w/o harshness oneven the worst compressed popular-music digital recordingswas accomplished by my former Apogee Stages.