
Responses from rgs92

$ 2500 ....Stay with Vandersteens ??...what else ?
Do Vandys (3A sigs or Quattros) need biwiring to sound nice?In Stereophile, it was mentioned that the Quattros hadTMI (too much info). (This was about the non-Wood Quattro version.)Any comments on this? Thanks in advance. (And thanks forletting me... 
Aerial 9s--is there a lot more bass than 10Ts?
Thanks for the replies. I wonder whatever happened to the "Novalith" material used in the 10T head unit. Maybe that was the source of its nice, pleasant, midrange tonality and smooth highs. And sdrenslow, thanks for that info. A new 7C? Wow, a rev... 
Aerial 9s--is there a lot more bass than 10Ts?
Thanks Jaybo.I used to own 10Ts and liked them because they"did no harm" and sounded nice and fluid on anyrecording I threw at them. So I am looking againat Aerial, but the 9s and even 20Ts seem to be toobig and would have too much bass for the fa... 
Aerial 9s--is there a lot more bass than 10Ts?
Thanks Jaybo. Specifically, 4 woofers seems like they mightbe bass heavy. Any truth to this? 
Thanks Dgad! 
What I admire about the EMM sound (the DCC2-SE & CDSD-SE with the Phillips transport) was the way the soundstage was somewhat recessed but still the images had just the right amount of substance and density without feeling heavy or leaden. You... 
Ridge Street Audio Sason Ltd. Loudspeaker
Did anyone happen to hear them at RMAF? 
First SACD to Listen To?
Don't laugh, Cindy Lauper's She's so Unusual sounds great(and an unexpectedly gifted work, too).Also try the Stones' Hot Rocks; it is very fluid and linearbut still relaxing.I'm starting to think SACD works better on popular than classical. I wish... 
Stealth Indra on Mcintosh
True, just ICs.In careful A/B comparison of the Indras with other good ICs,the upper highs are more liquid and pure and the bassis more definitive and clear. No weirdness in at anyfrequency. It's like a layer of distortion has lifted.No coloration... 
Stealth Indra on Mcintosh
I use them with my Mac C46 preamp. Works like a charm. 
My head hurts....
I'm very happy with my Playback Designs player (see my review thread),but I was also really happy with my EMM 2-box setup before.Now that the EMM 1-box CDSA is selling used in the $5K range, I would go with that. These players leave my olderAccuph... 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
Dave and Mtkh, Thanks for that and the suggestions.And thanks for confirming my impressions.I'll look into the suggestions.My intuition is that the PD likes cabling with a firm grip on things, as opposed to anythingthat will mush things up or hide... 
First SACD to Listen To?
Boston.Better than on LP.Amazing resolution.Captures the extended high frequencies withoutsounding raw or harsh.This shows the magic of SACD.(Oh, last but not least, just about some of the best album ever recorded,right up there with Abbey Road, I... 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
What power cords are Playback Designs owners using?I tried some of the ones I have lying around and foundmy old 5-foot Kimber PK10 Palladium works well now.It has a very controlled bass, especially the the upper bassaround 70hz. By the way, just t... 
Clements Response speakers - seeking information
Ditto what Steveallen said on the App Stages.I had them for few years in the mid 90's until a woofer broke down (that infamous Appogee buzz).But I just can't forget what they didright. It was like being there.Not much of a soundstage, but they see...