
Responses from rgs92

Edge NL12.1: what smallish floorstanders/monitors?
I guess $4K to $9K. Thanks for the suggestions everyone.Yep, that Edge 12 is one great amp. Much better controlled/transparent/detailed bass than the Pass X350 I had, and very natural mids/highs. I don't feel any craving for a tube amp. 
proac sound vs coincident sound
Very interesting. I've had the impression from the forums that Proacs in generalwere in the British Harbeth school--"forgiving," whichI thought meant not too icy or piercing.I guess this British sound is confined to, say, Wilson Benesch, Spendor, ... 
proac sound vs coincident sound
Is ProAc cold and analytical? Does it require tubes to be listenable? I was interested in Proac but then I read this in the Stereophile Aug. 2008 review of the D28s:I drove the D28s with Musical Fidelity's kW monoblocks, as well as with the 100Wpc... 
Review: Usher BE-10 Speaker
Any comments on the Exemplar-modified BE10s and what are the implications of buying such a thing?Thanks. 
Quad 2805 reliablity? Distance from wall needed?
Thanks acusound--that is interesting. 
Quad 2805 reliablity? Distance from wall needed?
Thanks everyone for all of those comprehensive answers.I appreciate it. 
Verity Parsifal Ovation vs. Encore?
Frank--Thank you very very much for that valuable info.I owe you a beer. 
Review: Green Mountain Audio EOS HD Monitor
Thanks for the extremely comprehensive answer.What a great, professional-level review; a real joy to read, almost like being there with the speakers. 
Need to replace my Totem Acoustic Arros
Thank you very much for doing that research for me. 
Has anyone spent time with the Thiel 3.7?
How are vocals on the 3.7s? Are they etched or buzzy at all?(That really irritates me on many speakers.)Any experience on how they deal with a bad recording?Will they exacerbate the problems or just be fairly neutral, if not forgiving?Andrew Corde... 
Need to replace my Totem Acoustic Arros
So what variety of amp do the Harbeth 7s need? 
totem winds destroy dali helicon mk2
Can the Winds be placed near the wall behind them (2 or 3 feet?) Can they be OK sitting about 7 feed from the fronts?Thanks. 
Verity Parsifal Ovation vs. Encore?
Thanks for the help. How is relatively-nearfield listening,about 7-8 feet from front of the speaker? Thanks again. 
Verity Parsifal Ovation vs. Encore?
Review: Green Mountain Audio EOS HD Monitor
Any comments on the fatigue factor, or nearfield listening(within 8-feet), or close to wall-behind-them placement (say, 2-feet without booming)? Do they need biwiring? Thanks.