
Responses from rgs92

First SACD to Listen To?
Try Bob Dylan (Desire). 
which interconnect cable w/ playback designs mps-5
mps5:wxhxd(inches)= 17.1 x 3.5 x 16.7weight=29 pounds 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
Dave, thanks for the comments--no problem at all using this thread. I've got 701s also (Moon audio Black Dragon cable) but don't use them too much, but I do like them, especially with my older Headroom Max amp. I still need to break in the MPS-5 s... 
What one product has redefined music for you??
Interesting how many people mention Apogees. Stages were my first high-end speaker, so I know what they mean. I think everyone hear should try an hear them once somehow. There is a certain truth to them that is uncanny--even the cheap ones. 
What one product has redefined music for you??
Weiserb, I think that was 1976 for Isn't She Lovely from Songs in the Key of Life. Yep, what an album for all time. 
Ridge Street Audio Sason Ltd. Loudspeaker
Thanks Ted!I wasn't a big believer in break-in until (years back) I got a new Pass X350 amp that suddenly turned my old Aerial 10Ts intobass-heavy monsters, like a subwoofer-filled truck. I had to play the Pass for weeks until it calmed down. 
Ridge Street Audio Sason Ltd. Loudspeaker
Would anyone care to comment on how the Sasons change during break-in? Is it more tonality (or some part of tonality),spaciousness, transparency, coherence, or something else?With my Kharmas, there was a pronounced buzziness in vocals that eventua... 
Best all around speakers
You know, I was always pleased with the way some speakers I owned sounded fine on all recordings (CDs). These were Aerial 10Ts and Apogee Stages. No, they didn't do all the amazing things some top-notch speakers do, but they never sounded like mid... 
Best all around speakers
Nice post. 
Review: Playback Designs MPS-5 CD Player
Quick update.The MPS5 has really opened up.Now that it is broken in, the image density had improved considerably and so has the soundstaging. The soundstage in fact, is quite large with the headphones, with images placedin all sorts of interesting... 
Which speaker from a few years ago?
10Ts are easy to live with, tolerant of bad CDs but still lively and engaging. Not the last word in soundstaging,but when you look for good soundstaging the too-much-infoissue comes into play.I had the Aerials for a few years and I recommend them. 
Best Digital Source That Money Can Buy?
I second what Mike said above, especially about the upper mid glare that is missing from the MPS5. It works nicely with a Wolff Bohica 2 power cable and Stealth Indra ICs. 
Sony SCD-777ES Laser?
Un-modded 777ES's don't sell for very much these days,and the performance of the stock version was never that great (I had one). So it might not be worth repairing. 
which interconnect cable w/ playback designs mps-5
I use Stealth Indras with my MPS-5. They have that last bit of clarity and openness in the bass and liquidity and body in the highs that is subtle but very valuable (to my ears, at least).A close second are my Kubala-Sosna Emotions. All of my cabl... 
Short history on legacy speakers
Thanks for that! I used to hang out at the AR room in Grand Central when I was a kid. That got me started in all this.