
Responses from rgs92

Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?
I did try Nordost Valhalla ICs once, and they were extremely forward. In fact, that was their primary characteristic. The Kubala-sosna Emotions were not forward(nor recessed either, just neutral in terms of image placement). 
new small room, big change
Definitely try a pair of Harbeth SHL5s. There's a pair for sale in the $3K range that you could easily turn around and re-sell quickly for about the same price (they don't last long on the used market). I own a pair. 
Aerial 9s--is there a lot more bass than 10Ts?
What to fill Skylan stands with for Harbeth SHL5s
Thanks for the info! 
Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
As to mtdkings' stmt above, I also considered new 5As from a dealer, but the manual made it sound like a heroic effort to set them up, and didn't want to have to depend on a dealer if I ever moved or even moved my speakers around or changed upstre... 
some 70's and 80's receivers seem to be popular
Well, I don't know if it was my 16-year-old ears or what, but I spent endless hours in the 70's parked in front of my AR Receiver (AR turntable, Shure V15 type 2 cart., Dynaco A25 speakers) in total bliss.I must have listened to the White Album or... 
Review: Harbeth SHL5 30th Anniversary Edition Speaker
Yep, they're keepers. It's amazing how many big name speakers have some fatal flaw or need lots of tubes to work well. (Maybe I'll look at 40.1s some time but I have my speakers on the long wall and was afraid they would overdo the bass.) I'm real... 
Review: Harbeth SHL5 30th Anniversary Edition Speaker
Just to put things succinctly after some more burn-in and listening, my impression is that the SHL5s just create this big, friendly, safe, warm and inviting blob of sound in most of the space between the speakers where all is well. I did some list... 
What to fill Skylan stands with for Harbeth SHL5s
I placed the above comments as a review so I can add to it later and maybe answer some questions. The review should show up soon, I expect. 
What to fill Skylan stands with for Harbeth SHL5s
Quick comments on SHL5s (2007 30th anniversary edition with upgrade OFC internal wiring) on the floor...Outstanding overall speaker. No offending characteristics.No longer have to segregate my CDs based on how listenable they are--all are musical.... 
What to fill Skylan stands with for Harbeth SHL5s
Thanks everyone. Sure is a multitude of opinions here!I haven't set them up yet (no stands yet), but I'll report soon. 
Skylan speakers stands-how much sand?
What should I fill the Skylan Stands with? Thanks.I spoke to Noel at Skylan and he advised me to use PURINA MAXX kitty litter for my 4-pillar Harbeth SHL5 stands, but I cannot find this litter in the U.S. or online anywhere.So what should I use? (... 
Suggestions on a Musical, Full Range Speaker
Magnumpi205 and Tweak1, do you think theReference 3A Grande Veenas, Calypsos or Harbeth 40.1s could be 1-foot from the wall w/o booming? Just curious. Thanks. 
ATC active or Tannoy TD12?
How are the ATC Passives (say, the SCM-40 or others) forsomewhat nearfield use (7.5 feet from the listening chair)?Are they assaultive or piercing at all?Thanks in advance. 
proac sound vs coincident sound
So do you like the Pro Resp. 2.5's? No fatigue there?Smooth vocals? Would they work with high-quality solid state, if you have heard them with those amps?Same question for the Studios.Thanks a lot for any comments!