
Responses from rgs92

Jeff Rowland Capri preamp
The Ayre K1Xe seems to be the most honored solid-state preamp in the last few years (at least that's what I take out of the forums). Could anyone contrast the Ayre to the Capri?Thanks. 
RWA amp with DODD preamp both battery powered
Is the battery operated usage of the Dodd convenient ordoes it present any problems in everyday use? Does it take any special attention or monitoring? Is it always available? Thanks. 
Stuck on cabinet color
I would not get light colors. When I listen to speakersthe brighter colors can be distracting and annoyingespecially if the sun or a bright light shines on it;there could be glare, too.Darker wood is always my preference and better for resale,too. 
Ridge Street Audio Sason Ltd. Loudspeaker
How critical is placement for the Sasons?Do they need to be far out from the wall behind themto prevent bass overload or congestion?Or can they be 2-3 feet from that wall? Or, if they need to be placedfurther from the wall, is that necessary just ... 
Audio Research Ref 3 : heat and top space needed?
Thanks to all. Just to mention, the rack is free-standing,open on all 4 sides, if that makes any difference. Are those fans noisy? (My computer's is). 
Audio Research Ref 3 : heat and top space needed?
Thanks again for all the help. 
Audio Research Ref 3 : heat and top space needed?
The bottom of the shelf is 9 inches from the top of the shelf,so the amp would have about 2 inches clearance on top of it.It's an open shelf (on all 4 sides), a tall Billy Bags rack.Is there a lot of heat coming out of the top?Thanks again. 
Audio Research Ref 3 : heat and top space needed?
OK, thanks for the info sir. 
Tube preamp top clearance--McIntosh or in general
Dave, thanks for that! 
Tube preamp top clearance--McIntosh or in general
Thanks for the ideas. Tricon_dave,any comments on the C2300 sonics for linestage use (not phono)? Does it have that nice (to my ears) warm, liquid, relaxed Mac flavor but still definitive with no part of the spectrum exaggerated or supressed? (Eve... 
Tube preamp top clearance--McIntosh or in general
OK, I found this in audiokarma on my own question here,in case anyone is interested.http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=140181Thanks for the replies.(Any comments on the Mcintosh C2300 preamp are also welcome, too.) 
Ridge Street Audio Sason Ltd. Loudspeaker
Thanks again for the encouraging info. Yep, everyone I contacted loves their Sasons. 
Ridge Street Audio Sason Ltd. Loudspeaker
Musicfile, just curious what you (or others) thought of the Sasons compared to any Hansens (although all the Hansens are far more expensive). Thanks. 
dcs puccini, chord red ref, meitner cdsa or nagra
Is the Playback Design available or is there a long wait for it? 
Accuphase CDP
Well, hate to disagree here, but a while back I had theAccuphase DP75V and an Mark Levinson No. 32 preamp andwhen I took the preamp out, the direct feed from the Accuphasewas a definite improvement: less haze, faster, smoother,better, more definit...