
Responses from plato

What is my power conditioner up to?
Not sure... how much power do your amps draw? I have a Quintet in my Home Theater system and everything including the 100Wpc Onkyo receiver is plugged into it. If anything, the bass became more taut and articulate when the Quintet went in and I di... 
why is a 13" tonearm design really superior?
The length of the arm in itself doesn't make it superior. There are many other factors to consider and as always, the performance is related to the characteristics of the particular cartridge it's paired with. Do some reading. 
matching amplifer output phase to subwoofer phase
The first thing you should do is invert phase at your Rowland amp or speakers by reversing the + and - speaker leads to both channels. That will get your main speakers in correct polarity unless your preamplifier also inverts.Once you do that, you... 
Is Phase and polarity the same thing?
It is estimated that about 50 percent of recordings are recorded in reverse polarity... so about half of your recordings should sound a little better with the polarity inverted.Phase is frequency dependent as Kal said, and it is used by many as a ... 
A Question About Reviewer Techniques
Put simply... most publications don't have the resources to be able to buy all their reviewers new systems for every component they review. And since most reviewers are either not paid or not paid a lot, it's probably a little much to expect them ... 
Amp for AAD 2001s 86 dB ; Do I need more power?
Well, I would say that more power would be a good thing.I have a pair of Magnepan MG-1.6QR's in a smaller room than yours and I'm feeding them about 50 tube watts/channel and cutting off the low bass below 80Hz to further free up amp power. I play... 
Preamp matching question to Nuforce 9SEV2
The technical reason is: it's solid-state... 
SET vs ICE vs GAINCLONE vs HYBRID vs other?
Lcherepkai,If you can find something wrong, then something is definitely wrong, because normally, even when you can't find anything wrong you can always substitute some piece of gear here or there that will make an improvement and probably improve... 
Another interesting vinly vs CD article
Only if you have properly set up one source of every type, i.e., tape, vinyl, CD, SACD, and have used the various media types will you really have the perspective to make this judgement. At this juncture, my favorites are vinyl and cd and some of ... 
VTL MB250 sig or Nuforce Ref9 SE
Hi5, you're welcome. I don't know how large your room is but if it's not huge (and you don't play at rock concert levels) you might also want to consider the Cary CAD 120S. It features dramatically solid and articulate bass, sweet mids, and extend... 
VTL MB250 sig or Nuforce Ref9 SE
Having used the NuForce Ref 9V2 SE for a year and a half as my reference amps and now having gone to the Cary CAD 120S tube amp, my feeling is that the VTL amps would be the better way to go. The NuForce amp tends toward brightness and with those ... 
Are Ohm Walsh Speakers the Poor Man's MBLs?
99 percent? probably not... 85 to 90 percent would be a more realistic conjecture. But if you're happy with what you have, why beat yourself up? 
best hybrid integrated amp 100wpc or more
Krisjan,The thing that puts me off on the Vincent models is that some of them use odd tube types and also, I believe some of them solder the tubes right to the pc board instead of using tube sockets so they can be replaced when they wear out. But ... 
Hi End Pre-Amp shoot out in central jersey?
Well, you could look in the clubs section of this forum and contact the NJ Audio Society. Some of those guys may be interested. I was a long-time member, but now live in AZ.Good luck to you! 
What is best VTA for Clearaudio Maestro Cartridge?
I recently installed a ClearAudio Virtuoso in place of a Benz Ref3 on my turntable and when I first listened it sounded so bad I thought the cartridge might be faulty.Then I realized that the VTA was quite a bit too high in the back and started lo...