
Responses from peter_s

Biamping Maggie 20.1s: Amps and Xover Frequencies
Rathbone - what are your thoughts on amps that are right for running through the stock passive? I don't think the VTL450 is enough, even though the TAS article said it was.Loontoon - any $2k amps you can recommend?Best, Peter 
Biamping Maggie 20.1s: Amps and Xover Frequencies
Also, and thoughts on the Parasound HCA-3500? Seems similar to the Rotel, but reviewed as having greater bass control... 
Biamping Maggie 20.1s: Amps and Xover Frequencies
This from the 20.1 manual:"Set the high pass section at 200-300 Hz, 6dB per octave. Due to standing waves at the crossover frequency, the low pass section may require adjustment from as low as 90Hz (12dB Bessel) to 150Hz (15dB Butterworth). Typica... 
Integrated with A/B Speaker Switch
Hi Rwwear - I wouldn't go speaker level out to the receiver, just to the switch box that handles the whole house system on say the "B" side. But that being said, you are right about the tape out. I was thinking along those lines too - should have ... 
Integrated with A/B Speaker Switch
Price point is up to 1k. Thanks. 
THE Show 07
Looking forward to meeting you Duke, and to seeing Ralph and the Boyz. 
Small - but GOOD - active speakers for MC
Sorry - what is MC? 
tubed preamp off and ss amp left on?
I had the same issue with a given combination of components, and never really resolved it. My preamp had mute, volume down, etc - all these things didn't stop the hum when the amp was on and the pre was off. Also, this didn't occur on all amps, ju... 
calling all headphone gurus
You can add a headphone amp to the "tape out" of either your preamp or your integrated (if it has one). A second amplifier out will also work, but in that case the volume control on your pre or integrated is in the circuit. Or, if your CD player h... 
Inventory of vinyl - what software do you use?
I'm wondering if Excel is the way to go, relative to Access. How well does Excel allow you to do filtering and create custom lists (or reports). I'm an Excel lover - I've gotten it to do lots of things - but I haven't explored that aspect of its f... 
Do audiophiles have a high divorce rate?
Perhaps audiophiles, with their neuroses towards acheiving perfection, are less likely to get divorced?!!! Perhaps the audio hobby "drains" that internal dynamic that (near) continuously challenges the attainment of satisfaction, the "never-comple... 
Power cords for Electrostats
I put DIY VH Audio power cords on my Quad 988's, and it made a noticeable improvement, opening up the sound some (they were "flatter" with the stock cords). My PC's were grounded, but the grounds didn't likely do much since the Quad receptacles ar... 
Sacrilege Going from Tubes back to Solid State
Funny, I just got a pair of VTL-450's and I love the way they sound with my Maggie 20.1's. But I've also been keeping my eye on SS amps that I might try someday, just to hear the difference. Current interests include: Edge, McCormack, and McIntosh... 
Totem's with mid-power amplification?
I should also say that I am considering Totem's in helping a friend put together a system in a largish "great room" - not sure of the exact size. So, some of the more bass shy models may be out of the question... 
floor stander suggestions
How much power is needed for the Totem Forests? Would a good 100wpc integrated (Portal Panache) do the trick?