
Responses from peter_s

Amplifiers: High Current? High Voltage?
Thanks Herman. That's what I was getting at with my question about capacitors. I assume all prior discussion about transformers has been input transformers. 
Amplifiers: High Current? High Voltage?
Gs5556, thanks for your detailed explanation. Dare I ask another question and understand the answer? How do large storage caps play into that current/voltage/power equation? 
ARC Ref 3 with CAT JL2 or do you need CAT SL1
Up in that price range... I heard the Lamm 18-watt triode amps driving the Wattpuppy 7's to great effect. Whether it's the lower power triode or the higher power units, Lamm is one you might want to consider. It has great timbre, things sound very... 
Amplifiers: High Current? High Voltage?
Then what is the best way to describe a non current restricted amp from a current restriced amp? High current vs. low current? I assume a non-current restricted amp is one that will put out nearly twice the power at 4 ohms than at 8 ohms. 
Upgrade Denon 103 R to Shelter 501 II?
Wow - makes me wonder if something was wrong with my Denon! I was never that impressed with the 103r I had in my rig, despite all the high recommendations. 
hifi audio in movies
I believe Diva featured Nagra equipment as the most coveted... Specifically a battery powered R2R deck that he smuggled into the opera to make a recording. I don't remember seeing any microphones though! 
Upgrade Denon 103 R to Shelter 501 II?
Yes, I went from the Denon to the Shelter, and was very happy with the upgrade. More airy and delicate. Then I upgraded to a Urushi, and wow! But in the range you're discussing, I was very happy to move up to the Shelter. At the time I was using a... 
Richard Vandersteen at Audio Connection
I was very impressed with the Quatro at CES, in fact even more than the 5a. To me it had a more natural, organic sound - but there were too many factors to know why the difference. My philosophy at CES is: if something sounds not so good, you can'... 
Best way to copy LPs to CD's using a Computer
With a USB ADC and some USB repeaters, you might be able to get the signal some distance. Or run long interconnects from your preamp to the ADC. The software I've used allows you to push the record button - you can edit out a minute of blank space... 
Ipod to Digital Out
Good news! I hope this means that those with circuitry skills will jump right on this! Perhaps an iPod-SPDIF adaptor...I just got this response from Monitor Audio:"The i-deck uses the analogue line output from the iPod. The digital/ audio over USB... 
Jethro Tull
Qdrone - can you explain to me how the 24bit CD player works. I've got an Electrocompaniet EC-1 which sports a 24 Bit upsampler 192KHz DAC. However, I always figured it just reads any CD at 16 bit and then converts to 24 in the DAC. Would my CD pl... 
Ipod to Digital Out
OK - I've got an email in to the technical i-Deck person at Monitor Audio. I'll report back if I get an answer. 
Ipod to Digital Out
Thanks Marco - that thread was really helpful, and it does appear like the Monitor Audio unit takes digital out of the ipod. Maybe someday... we'll all be able to get digital out to our personal DAC! 
Jethro Tull
Where does one find the DCC CD's? Are they all as expensive as the ones advertised on ebay ($50)? Wow! Any suggestions for reasonably priced sources are most welcome. Thanks. 
Best way to copy LPs to CD's using a Computer
Oregon - you said it! I enjoyed copying my vinyl to CD, as I was listening to new music and getting exposed to it. Make it part of the listening experience!Goatwuss - I think the best way to make truly hifi reproductions is with an external, USB a...