
Responses from pardales

SACD Player vs. CD Player in CD reproductions
I have been wondering about this issue. Recently I have made some comparisons between good remstered redbook CD's and their SACD counterparts. I have done this on a few different systems of varying quality (mid-fi, very hi-end). Some of the discs ... 
Meridian G08 or Marantz SA11-S1
Can anyone else compare these two players? I am particularly interested in this comparison because I am trying to decide between a redbook only player and a SACD player in the price range of these two units. I have always liked Meridian gear and h... 
Any information on the new Ayre C5xe player?
How much does this player cost? Is it 2-channel or multichannel? When you play DVD-A's can you select 2-channel playback without a screen? Balanced/RCA outputs? Now that I have spent some significant time with an Exemplar 2900, I ask myself, is SA... 
Ayre CX-7 vs. Meridian G08 ?
Islandear: We do find ourselves in a similar dilemma. The CDP's you mention are all serious dollar, top notch, players. Hard to imagine going wrong with any of them; it would probably be more a matter of system synergy at that point. I have about ... 
Ayre CX-7 vs. Meridian G08 ?
Anyone compare the G08 with any quality SACD players? I am in the market for a new CDP and am currently trying to decide whether to go with a SACD/Universal player, or a high quality redbook only CDP. Here's my story (if you are interested):Now th... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Thanks, Tbg. I might have thought a little differently if the Exemplar 2900 had made as enormous a difference on SACD's as it did on redbook. But to me, in my system, the SACD performance was no better than the XA777. Glad to hear that the 3910 is... 
compare new McIntosh universal player with DV-50
Dokter_doug: What ended up being the problem? Did you get to spend enough time with the 861 to develop a sense of its sonic characteristics? thanks 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
I have had to really stop and ask myself some basic questions. Now that I have spent some significant time with an Exemplar 2900, I ask myself, is SACD really necessary? This player forced me to stop and think.Prior to owning the Exemplar 2900 I o... 
Are the Denons the Best Universals to Mod?
I have had to really stop and ask myself some basic questions. Now that I have spent some significant time with an Exemplar 2900, I ask myself, is SACD really necessary? This player forced me to stop and think. Prior to owning the Exemplar 2900 I ... 
compare new McIntosh universal player with DV-50
I am really sorry to hear about your expereince Dokter Doug, but am glad to hear that the sound was good when it did work. I have the 205 changer (which I bought new) and have had no problems with it. My dealer who sells MAC said they have gotten ... 
compare new McIntosh universal player with DV-50
Does the lack of responses to this thread mean that this player is too new for 'goners' to own one, or, are 'goners' staying away from it? 
Integrated Tube Amp w AV passthrough, sub $3,500
Check out the VAC AVATAR SE used. 
the police SYNCHRONICITY best CD version is?
I really like the SACD version. 
Looking to compare SACD sound with redbook
What initially attracted me to SACD was the remastering of my favorite artists (mentioned in my last post). What has kept me interested is the Jazz and Clasical stuff that has come out. Most of my SACD's are Jazz and Classical. I too think SACD wi... 
Looking to compare SACD sound with redbook
I have a question that is directly related to this topic. I got into SACD because some of my favorite artists were being remastered (Police, Peter Gabriel, Dylan, Miles Davis, etc.) into the format. To my ears, the SACD of Ghost in the Machine is ...