
Responses from pardales

AAC or AppleLossless
I do plan to store all the music I import to a 500GB hardrive, and then pump it out through USB Waveterminal 24, and in the future, maybe a DAC. It sounds like the Apple lossless is not all its cracked up to be? There was an article a few weeks ba... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Hchi: definitely let us know how the 9500 sounds on all formats once you have it broken in a bit. 
DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac
I am about to construct such a system. I am starting with a G4 laptop, and external hard drive and a U24 Waveterminal. I will connect the waveterminal directly to my integrated. I will let you know how it goes. 
Best Integrated Amp, Price no obstacle?
McIntosh MA 6900 -- very musical -- hard to beat -- $4500 new and around 3K on the used market. 
Anti-cables vs Signalcable silver resolution
Thanks, Grisslehamn! Enjoy the experiment and let us know what you think. I have not ordered either yet. If I had a short run I would but have a very long distance to cover (in biwire) so even these reasonably inexpensive cables add up. I am curre... 
mother passed away - pro recording help needed
I am very sorry for your loss. I have had good results with a small portable tape recorder (size of a walkman) and small microphone of the kind that can be purchased at Radio Shack. My condolences. 
Linn Unidisc SC
The stereophile reviewer did not seem to comment much on the use of the player as a preamp or using the units digital input. I like that the SC has a digital input. Do any other universal or SACD players have digital inputs?Anyone else using the SC? 
Anti-cables vs Signalcable silver resolution
I too am curious about this comparison. I may just go ahead and try the anticables since they are so inexpensive. But, I would like to benefit from the expereince of others. 
Need some advise on DAC's please....
I have heard grat things about he Dodson 218 DAC. I do not have personal experience with it but it might be worth checking out. 
Quality of CD layer on hybrid SACD's
I did a camparison between the redbook CD version of Dylan's John Wesley Harding and the CD layer of the SACD hybrid. I did enjoy the hybrid CD layer over the redbook CD. Mind you, it was not night and day, but there was a difference with the edge... 
Quality of CD layer on hybrid SACD's
Mejames: thanks for the reference, it was enlightening. Chadnliz: Let us know what you find.I am going to try and make some comparisons myself between the CD layer of some hybrids I own and the the most recent redbook remastering of the same CD. I... 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Rsbeck: Do you run the Apogee mini Dac into a pre-amp or straing into a set of powered monitors? Can it be run into a preamp (like any DAC)? Thanks, 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Thanks, Oldpet, that is very helpful. Lkdog, we look forward to hearing from you. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
How is the redbook performance on the TRL modded SA-14's? Is there a significant difference between redbook and SACD performance on these players? Thanks, 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Jax2: You are right that the Airpot Express would work, but, I don't currently have a DAC. So, I do need a DAC of some sort first.Rsbeck: If I decide I like interfacing with my music in this way, I will probably go with something like the Apogee. ...