
Responses from pardales

Sony XA 777 vs modified Denon ?
I can give you one such set of comparisons as I used to own a 333, then I owned an XA777, then I owned an Exemplar 2900. In short, the XA777 was far superior to the 333 on SACD and redbook. The Exemplar Denon was far superior to the XA777 on redbo... 
compare new McIntosh universal player with DV-50
Irishdog, I thought you were awaiting an 861? My local dealer that carries MAC does not expect to get one in any time soon. DOes anyone own one of these yet? 
compare new McIntosh universal player with DV-50
I'd like to know if anyone has heard the new MAC universal player at all? 
I'm totally confused about Hi Rez formats
I have about 125 SACD's, 4 DVD-A'a and about 400 redbook cd's. I love the Hi-Rez stuff. Only about 10-12 of my SACD's are not hybrids. Even though I am selling my Exemplar Denon 2900, easily the best sounding CD player I have ever owned (and that ... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
I wondered about this too. The 2900 had very nice build quality and quite good sound (especially when modified). 
How are the blue note RVG CD's?
I have enjoyed the few I have. I have a Hank Mobley and and Art Blakey. 
Coping in an Age of Uncertainty
I think modified universal players are a great solution to the current "age of uncertainity". They offer great performance on DVD-A and SACD (if you are into that), and the mods really make the redbook performance outstanding, in my experience. 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Love my Exemplar modded 2900 but need to sell it (see my ad if you are interested). As soon as I am able I will not hesitate to by a modded CDP. It is definitely the way to go to get the best sound at a fraction of the cost of the big money gear. 
Considering a 'new' 200w amp. MF, krell or?
Don't forget McIntosh.... 
Exemplar Denon 2900. WOW Need owner advice.
Unfortunately I am selling my Exemplar 2900. As soon as I am able, I will be buy another one. See my ad and let me know if your interested in buying it. Could be a great sounding holiday season for one of you. Thanks, mp 
What speaker is best for Mcintosh 6900?
I have had my 6900 for 3 years now. THey have driven Thiel 2.3, and Vonschweikert VR 2 and 4 Jr. I have heard this integrated driving B&W's and Martin Logans......all sound outstanding. I think this is one of those special products that will m... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
I said this earlier in the thread but I would just like to reiterate......I think it is so awesome that you guys (who are conducting these demo's) are doing this and want you to know many of us are living vicariously through you. Also, I suspect m... 
Von Schweikert VR4-Jr: Urgent Opinions Needed
I owned the VSA VR2 for one year, and I now have the 4jr's. They are the most musical, comprehensive and enjoyable speakers I have ever owned. Email me if you want more specific comments. Sorry, I cannot compare them with the Usher's 
Blue Train, SACD or DVD-A
I have the SACD version of this disc and think it sounds great. I cannot speak to the DVD-A version though. 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Bravo Avguru and 711smilin!!! Bravo!!!