
Responses from pardales

Music from hard drive better than CD?
Thanks Edesilva and Jax2. I might go with the inexpensive wavelength to begin with and see how it sounds. This is all a bit of an experiment to see if I even like interfacing with my music in this way. If I like it I may then go for a more serious... 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Okay, I think I figured out what I am going to do. I am going to use a Macintosh Powerbook as my interface and drive, and add a firewire hardrive to store my music in a lossless format. The only thing left to consider is, how do I connect the comp... 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Henryhk: I have heard good things about the McIntosh (thought it is priced at around ($5500). Yamaha has a hard disk player coming out soon (HD 1500 -- I think) that will cost substanitally less than the MAC (under 1K). They have one out right now... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
I am wondering about the performance similarities or differences between the SA-14 v1, v2, and 8260 players once they have been TRL modified. I am particularly interested in SACD performance. Thanks, 
Any experience with the Nuforce Ref 8 mono amps?
Tvad: here is a link to this tech support patch: 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Thanks for these suggestions. A picture is beginning to form. 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Onhwy61: I have an apple laptop but it is my work computer and I do not want to load all of my discs to it. Also, I figure I would need about a 280 GB hard drive to store all of my discs in a lossless format. So I don't think a regular CPU will wo... 
Anyone connected Muse 11 directly to Amps
I suppose its also possible that few if any Goner's own this machine? :( 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
There seems to be a fundamental distinction here between digital music servers (hard drive based systems that store CD music in various forms in a single audio style component) and Media Hubs (which organize music that is on a computer hard drive ... 
Anyone connected Muse 11 directly to Amps
The lack of play on this thread can only mean that those who own the Muse 11 are too busy listening to music to respond :) 
Any experience with the Nuforce Ref 8 mono amps?
I communicated with a guy who is using these to drive a pair of Quad ESL's. Apparently they can drive very demanding speakers (a property of digital amps). 
Any experience with the Nuforce Ref 8 mono amps?
Plato: I really appreciate your response (yours too Tvad -- nicely veiled)). Let us/me (maybe via email) know when you are through and what your conclusions are. Also, let us/me know when your review comes out. 
Any experience with the Nuforce Ref 8 mono amps?
Thanks, Tvad. I tried a search but must have spelled Nuforce wrong. Still, anyone else have experience with these amps. Didn't Carver use a technology something like this (maybe in their Sunfire line)? Thanks again, 
What Gives? NuForce Reference 8 100wpc Mono's
Earhtpulse: Let us know how your audition comes out. 
Anyone connected Muse 11 directly to Amps
I have recently become interested in the MUSE 11 and am wondering if either of you can comment specifically on its redbook and SACD performance? Any comparisons you can make to other players would be helpful as well. Your comments have already bee...